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在嵌套的 TouchableOpacity 中不工作 onPress

[英]Not working onPress in nested TouchableOpacity

Hi my custom component is wrapped in TouchableOpacity like this.嗨,我的自定义组件像这样包装在 TouchableOpacity 中。

  const profileOnClick = () => {                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
    console.log('Card Clicked!');   

  export const InfluencerCard = props => {

    const {influencer, navigation} = props;
    return (
      <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => profileOnClick()}>

In Homescreen在主屏幕中

          {data.categoriesForHome.map(category => (
            <Layout key={category.id}>
              <ScrollView horizontal={true}>
                {category.influencerProfiles.map(profile => (
                  <View key={profile.id}>
                    <InfluencerCard influencer={profile} />

When I clicked my custom component InfluencerCard , it doesn't do anything.当我单击我的自定义组件InfluencerCard ,它什么也没做。 I wonder it is because that component is in other component, so parent component block clicking on custom component.我想知道是因为那个组件在其他组件中,所以父组件阻止点击自定义组件。 Or calling onPress function is wrong.或者调用 onPress 函数是错误的。

But I tried without parent component, it was working.但是我在没有父组件的情况下尝试过,它正在工作。 What am I missing?我错过了什么?

It was my mistake.这是我的错误。 The problem was not from code or components.问题不是来自代码或组件。 I use Card component from @ui-kitten/components and it implements TouchableOpacity behind the scene.我使用来自@ui-kitten/components 的 Card 组件,它在幕后实现了 TouchableOpacity。 So I don't need to wrap with TouchableOpacity again.So just do所以我不需要再次用 TouchableOpacity 包装。所以就做

<Card onPress={() => profileClick()}></Card>

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