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Angular 材质:mat-toolbar 内的样式 mat-form-field

[英]Angular Material: Styling mat-form-field inside mat-toolbar

I'm trying to create a toolbar using Material's mat-toolbar with an input and select inside of it.我正在尝试使用 Material 的mat-toolbar创建一个工具栏,其中包含一个输入和 select。 For both, I am using Material's provided components ( mat-input and mat-select respectively) inside of mat-form-field s as advised.对于两者,我按照建议在mat-form-field中使用 Material 提供的组件(分别为mat-inputmat-select )。 My code looks like this:我的代码如下所示:


    <mat-form-field appearance="outline">
      <mat-icon matPrefix>search</mat-icon>
      <input type="search" matInput placeholder="Search" />

    <mat-form-field appearance="outline">
      <mat-select [(value)]="omitted">
        <mat-option *ngFor="let omitted of omitted" [value]="omitted.slug">
          {{ omitted.name }}


At the moment, the input and select are too tall to completely fit in the toolbar.目前,input 和 select 太高,无法完全放入工具栏。 I am trying to style them to make them fit (by reducing height , padding , margin , etc.).我正在尝试设计它们以使其适合(通过减少heightpaddingmargin等)。 However, Angular adds elements between mat-form-field and the contained elements.但是,Angular 在mat-form-field和包含的元素之间添加了元素。 I am unable to style those elements from the component's Sass because of view encapsulation.由于视图封装,我无法从组件的 Sass 中设置这些元素的样式。 So, even if I style everything immediately present in my template, the generated elements have heights, margins, and paddings that force the observed element to be outside of the toolbar.因此,即使我对模板中立即出现的所有内容进行样式设置,生成的元素也会具有高度、边距和填充,从而迫使观察到的元素位于工具栏之外。

I don't want to include a global style for those components because I don't want other mat-form-field s to get affected.我不想为这些组件包含全局样式,因为我不希望其他mat-form-field受到影响。

Turning off view encapsulation would essentially be the same thing as using global styling.关闭视图封装本质上与使用全局样式相同。

::ng-deep is deprecated so I can't use that. ::ng-deep已弃用,所以我不能使用它。

I could style my own input and select from scratch, but then I lose out on the prebuilt styling that Material provides.我可以从头开始设置我自己的inputselect的样式,但随后我失去了 Material 提供的预建样式。 Is there any way that I can style these Material components to fit in my toolbar?有什么方法可以设置这些 Material 组件的样式以适合我的工具栏吗?

I had similiar problem and I have solved it with wrapping component with a div and then style it in global stylesheet with this我遇到了类似的问题,我已经用 div 包装组件解决了它,然后用这个在全局样式表中设置它的样式

.filters {
    mat-form-field {
        div.mat-form-field-flex {
            align-items: flex-end;

        div.mat-form-field-prefix {
            padding-right: 12px !important;

In your case, you could add class (or id) to the toolbar or wrap the form field with a div and in order to encapsulate the rules you want.在您的情况下,您可以将类(或 id)添加到工具栏或用 div 包装表单字段,以便封装您想要的规则。

I added the following rules in my global stylesheet to make the mat-form-field fit:我在全局样式表中添加了以下规则以使 mat-form-field 适合:

[the selector for the mat-form-field I wanted to affect]
    .mat-form-field-flex, .mat-form-field-label-wrapper
        padding-top: 0

        padding-bottom: 0

        bottom: 0

        border-top: 0

You can set the encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None, in the @Component decorator.您可以在@Component 装饰器中设置encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,

This will free the component from the restrains about styling.这将使组件摆脱有关样式的限制。 Keep in mind if you are using global styles you have to take care of the proper styling I will suggest using BEM for naming the CSS styles and not using generic naming.请记住,如果您使用全局样式,则必须注意正确的样式,我建议使用 BEM 来命名 CSS 样式,而不是使用通用命名。

More info - https://angular.io/api/core/ViewEncapsulation更多信息 - https://angular.io/api/core/ViewEncapsulation

You can add subscriptSizing="dynamic" to mat-form-field.您可以将subscriptSizing="dynamic"添加到 mat-form-field。 This will not reserve spacing for the subscript below the mat-form-field.这不会为 mat-form-field 下面的下标保留间距。

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