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[英]Returning an array from a method in java?

Why I am not getting any output on my output screen?为什么我的输出屏幕上没有任何输出? There should be a reversed array.应该有一个反向数组。

public class Main {
    static int[] reverse(int[] array)
        int[] result =new int[array.length];
        for(int i=0,j=array.length-1;i<array.length;i++,j--)
        return result;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int[] newArray = {1,5,9,7,8,0,3,2};

If you want to see output in your console, you need to send it to either the system's output stream (appropriate in this case), or the error stream.如果你想在你的控制台中看到输出,你需要将它发送到系统的输出流(在这种情况下是合适的)或错误流。

int[] newArray = {1,5,9,7,8,0,3,2};
newArray = reverse(newArray);     // <- reuse the variable to save memory

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