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使用推导式拆分和展平 Strings 和 None 值列表

[英]Split and flatten a list of Strings and None values using a comprehension

Given a list which contains both strings and None values, in which some of the strings have embedded newlines, I wish to split the strings with newlines into multiple strings and return a flattened list.给定一个包含字符串和 None 值的列表,其中一些字符串嵌入了换行符,我希望将带有换行符的字符串拆分为多个字符串并返回一个扁平列表。

I've written code to do this using a generator function, but the code is rather bulky and I'm wondering if it's possible to do it more concisely using a list comprehension or a function from the itertools module.我已经使用生成器函数编写了代码来执行此操作,但代码相当庞大,我想知道是否可以使用列表理解或来自itertools模块的函数更简洁地完成此操作。 itertools.chain doesn't seem to be able to decline to iterate any non-iterable elements. itertools.chain似乎无法拒绝迭代任何不可迭代的元素。

def expand_newlines(lines):
    r"""Split strings with newlines into multiple strings.

    >>> l = ["1\n2\n3", None, "4\n5\n6"]
    >>> list(expand_newlines(l))
    ['1', '2', '3', None, '4', '5', '6']
    for line in lines:
        if line is None:
            yield line
            for l in line.split('\n'):
                yield l

You can use yield from .您可以使用yield from

def expand(lines):
    for line in lines:
        if isinstance(line,str):
            yield from line.split('\n')
        elif line is None:
            yield line

#['1', '2', '3', None, '4', '5', '6']

Here's a single line, but I think @Ch3steR's solution is more readable.这是一行,但我认为@Ch3steR 的解决方案更具可读性。

from itertools import chain

list(chain.from_iterable(i.splitlines() if i is not None and '\n' in i else [i] 
                         for i in lines))

You could use itertools.chain if you did the following如果您执行以下操作,则可以使用 itertools.chain

import itertools

def expand_newlines(lines):

    return itertools.chain.from_iterable(x.split("\n") if x else [None]
                                         for x in lines)

Using more_itertools.collapse to flatten nested lists:使用more_itertools.collapse来展平嵌套列表:


import more_itertools as mit

lst = ["1\n2\n3", None, "7\n8\n9"]


list(mit.collapse([x.split("\n") if x else x for x in lst ]))

# ['1', '2', '3', None, '7', '8', '9']

more_itertools is a third-party package. more_itertools是第三方包。 Install via > pip install more_itertools .通过> pip install more_itertools

If you might modify list inplace then you might do:如果您可以就地修改列表,那么您可以这样做:

lst = ["1\n2\n3", None, "4\n5\n6"]
for i in range(len(lst))[::-1]:
    if isinstance(lst[i], str):
        lst[i:i+1] = lst[i].split("\n")
print(lst)  # ['1', '2', '3', None, '4', '5', '6']

this solution utilize fact that you might not only get python's list slices, but also assign to them.这个解决方案利用了这样一个事实,即您不仅可以获得 python 的列表切片,还可以分配给它们。 It moves from right to left, as otherwise I would need to keep count of additional items, which would make it harder.它从右向左移动,否则我需要计算额外的项目,这会让它变得更难。

Similar to @blueteeth's answer but more concise by way of inverting the logic:类似于@blueteeth 的答案,但通过反转逻辑更简洁:

import itertools
chainfi = itertools.chain.from_iterable

def expand_newlines(lines):
    r"""Split strings with newlines into multiple strings.

    >>> l = ["1\n2\n3", None, "4\n5\n6"]
    >>> list(expand_newlines(l))
    ['1', '2', '3', None, '4', '5', '6']
    return chainfi([None] if l is None else l.split('\n') for l in lines)

None is the special case so that's what we should be checking for. None是特例,所以这就是我们应该检查的。

This is concise enough that I wouldn't even bother writing a function for it—I just kept it in the function to confirm it works via doctest.这足够简洁,我什至不会为它编写函数——我只是将它保存在函数中以通过 doctest 确认它可以工作。

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