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[英]Adding a role to a specific user

I want to add a role to a specific user.我想为特定用户添加角色。 (using CronJob as an If) (使用 CronJob 作为 If)

function one() {


TypeError: client.users.get(...).addRole is not a function

tried the same with guild.members对 guild.members 进行了同样的尝试

The user you want to give a role to must be a GuildMember.您要为其分配角色的用户必须是 GuildMember。 You need the guild ID and the user ID:您需要公会 ID 和用户 ID:

    let Guild = Client.guilds.get("613844301042024503");
    let User = Guild.members.get("223750026654908419");
    let Role = Guild.roles.get("615244847468642307");

    if (User) { // Checking if the user is a member of the guild.
    } else {
        return message.channel.send("Couldn't do that. | The user is not a memer of the guild.");

Thanks for your Answer @Jakye, I was able to do it as this:感谢您的回答@Jakye,我能够这样做:

let guild = client.guilds.get("111");
let user = guild.members.get("222");

function one() {

I'm using Cron for function call.我正在使用 Cron 进行函数调用。

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