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本地主机 - PHP 包含未显示错误

[英]Localhost - PHP Include Not Showing Errors

I've just installed the latest version of Appserv ( 9.3.0 ), which includes:我刚刚安装了最新版本的 Appserv ( 9.3.0 ),其中包括:

Apache 2.4.41
PHP 7.3.10
MySQL 8.0.17
phpMyAdmin 4.9.1

I'm using Localhost as my root directory and trying to reuse old files to build a new website, but I'm noticing a problem.我使用 Localhost 作为我的根目录并尝试重用旧文件来构建一个新网站,但我注意到一个问题。

I'm using the include() function, but there is a problem.我正在使用include()函数,但是有一个问题。

<?php include(file.php); ?> <?php include(file.php); ?> shows the contents of file.php , but, if I delete file.php , it doesn't give me an error message saying file.php could not be found . <?php include(file.php); ?>显示file.php的内容,但是,如果我删除file.php ,它不会给我一条错误消息说file.php could not be found Why is this?为什么是这样?

Answer to secondly:回答二:

include() on a non-existent file produces an error of type E_WARNING . include()对不存在的文件产生E_WARNING类型的错误。 For testing purposes simply add this line of code出于测试目的,只需添加这行代码


before using an include() statement.在使用include()语句之前。

For production you should avoid displaying any kind of errors.对于生产,您应该避免显示任何类型的错误。 You can register your own error handler with set_error_handler() .您可以使用set_error_handler()注册您自己的错误处理程序。

set_error_handler(function ($no, $err, $file, $line)
    // do whatever you want to if an error of type E_WARNING occurs

In Windows 10, go to:在 Windows 10 中,转到:

Start > Appserv > PHP Edit php.ini

Find line : display_errors Off and change to display_errors On查找行: display_errors Off并更改为display_errors On

Save & Close

Start > AppServ > Apache Restart

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