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CNN 对 RNN 模型的权重

[英]CNN weights on RNN model

是否有可能在 RNN 模型上使用 CNN 权重,就像您可以使用 CNN 的权重来学习每个字母的样子并使用来自该 CNN 的权重来翻译整个句子吗?

It is possible.有可能的。 For an RNN you have to define what is the hidden state so you may set it to be the output of the CNN on the previous element in the sequence.对于 RNN,您必须定义隐藏状态是什么,以便您可以将其设置为 CNN 在序列中的前一个元素上的输出。 There are several models with state-of-the-art performance on sentence translation.有几种模型在句子翻译方面具有最先进的性能。 One of them is the Transformer which is makes use of convolutions, as in CNNs, and self-attention.其中之一是 Transformer,它利用卷积(如 CNN)和自注意力。 However, it doesn't do so in an RNN scheme, as RNNs are slower to train and evaluate due to their sequential nature.然而,它在 RNN 方案中不会这样做,因为 RNN 的训练和评估速度较慢,因为它们是顺序性的。 Also note that RNNs are inferior (mainly) due to their problem of short-term memory.另请注意,RNN 较差(主要是)由于它们的短期记忆问题。 You may want to read on LSTMs (that became their successor).您可能想阅读 LSTM(成为它们的继任者)。

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