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plotly - 响应宽度,固定高度

[英]plotly - responsive width, fixed height

I have attempted to make a plotly chart that fits within a scrollable parent div:我试图制作一个适合可滚动父 div 的绘图图表:

 data = { Name: {0:'name1', 1:'name2', 2: 'name3', 3:'n4',4:'ewf',5:'dgag', 6:'faf', 7:'dfss', 8:'345',9:'9',10:'23435', 11:'2e345',12:'3345', 13:'a345', 14:'34g5', 15:'3f45'}, Count: {0:1023, 1:2345, 3:3875,4:234,5:3456, 6:84, 7:7763, 8:345,9:2345,10:2345, 11:2345,12:345, 13:345, 14:345, 15:345}, Index: {0:35, 1:200, 2:160, 3:24,4:234,5:356, 6:84, 7:73, 8:345,9:2345,10:2345, 11:2345,12:345, 13:345, 14:345, 15:345} } $('#p1').html(""); console.log(data) Plotly.newPlot('p1', [{ type: 'bar', x: Object.values(data.Count), y: Object.values(data.Name), base: 0, orientation: 'h' },{ type: 'bar', x: Object.values(data.Index).map(function (e) { e = e-100 return e }), y: Object.values(data.Name), base: 100, orientation: 'h', xaxis: 'x2', yaxis: 'y' },], { height: 10*2.3*Object.keys(data.Index).length, yaxis: { automargin: true, tickangle: 35 }, grid: { rows: 1, columns: 2, subplots: [['xy', 'x2y']] } }, { responsive: true })
 .col.tpcs{ overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; display: inline-block; height: 400px; }
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.1.1/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-WskhaSGFgHYWDcbwN70/dfYBj47jz9qbsMId/iRN3ewGhXQFZCSftd1LZCfmhktB" crossorigin="anonymous"> <script src="https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div class="row loading pt-5 mt-md-3 mb-5"> <div class="col tpcs" id='p1'></div> </div>

Based on the documentation here https://plot.ly/javascript/responsive-fluid-layout/ , I have created a responsive plot:根据这里的文档https://plot.ly/javascript/responsive-fluid-layout/ ,我创建了一个响应图:

I want the plot to overflow downwards, so that I can scroll down, but by setting responsive: true, the height defaults to the size of #p1, which is 400px.我希望绘图向下溢出,以便我可以向下滚动,但是通过设置响应:true,高度默认为 #p1 的大小,即 400px。

Is there a straightforward way to make ONLY the width responsive?有没有一种简单的方法可以使宽度响应? I would like to keep the manual height at 10*2.3*Object.keys(data.Index).length我想将手动高度保持在 10*2.3*Object.keys(data.Index).length

it looks like plotly doesn't yet have that functionality.看起来 plotly 还没有那个功能。 What I had to do to work around it was to make a fully responsive plot and wrap it into an additional nested div like so:为了解决这个问题,我必须做的是制作一个完全响应的绘图并将其包装到一个额外的嵌套 div 中,如下所示:

    <div class="row loading pt-5 mt-md-3 mb-5">
        <div class="col tpcs" id='p1wrap'>
            <div class="ph" id=p1></div>

Then I needed to make the div width responsive to its parent div:然后我需要使 div 宽度响应其父 div:

   function resP(id){
    var d3 = Plotly.d3;

    var parent_width = $("#"+id).parent().width()
    var gd3 = d3.select(`div[id=${id}]`)
            width: parent_width - 10,
            //'margin-right': (100 - WIDTH_IN_PERCENT_OF_PARENT) / 2 + 'vh',
            //'margin-top': (100 - HEIGHT_IN_PERCENT_OF_PARENT) / 2 + 'vh'
    return gd3.node();

   window.addEventListener('resize', function(){
    Plotly.Plots.resize( resP('p1') );

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