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在 Html 最后一页底部打印标签

[英]Print Label at bottom of last page in Html

I want to print the highlighted content (see screenshot) at the bottom of the last page in my HTML report.我想在 HTML 报告的最后一页底部打印突出显示的内容(见屏幕截图)。 When I set position:fixed;当我设置position:fixed; , it's coming on each page. ,它出现在每一页上。


 .BuyerSign { height: 40px; vertical-align: bottom; width: 28%; padding-left: 25px; text-align: right; bottom:0px !important; /*bottom: 0px !important;*/ /*bottom:-200px !important; position:relative !important;*/ }
 <div class="BuyerSign" style=""> <label style="border-top:1px solid #000;text-align:center;"> Buyer Confirmation </label> </div>

u should set the container div to relative:你应该将容器 div 设置为相对:

 .BuyerSign { position:relative; bottom:0px; height: 40px; vertical-align: bottom; width: 28%; padding-left: 25px; text-align: right; }
 <div class="BuyerSign" style=""> <label style="border-top:1px solid #000;text-align:center;"> Buyer Confirmation </label> </div>

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