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cs50 可读性 pset6 python 这段代码应该计算单词、句子和字母的数量,但它没有

[英]cs50 readability pset6 python this code should count the number of word ,sentence and letter but it didn't

from cs50 import get_string
text = get_string("Text: ")
n = len(text)
for i in range(n):
    if text[i].isalnum()==True:
for i in range(n):
    if text[i].isspace()==True and text[i+1].isalnum()==True:
for i in range(n):
    if text[i]=="?" or text[i]=="." or text[i]=="!":
grade = round (0.0588 * ((100 * letter) / word) - 0.296 * ((100 * sentence) / word) - 15.8)
if grade<1:
    print("Before Grade 1")
elif grade < 16:
    print(f"Grade {grade}")
else :
    print("Grade 16+");

https://submit.cs50.io/check50/d3897b249b2ca6ea937d023c25c1607af52ea5cd the checks is bad https://submit.cs50.io/check50/d3897b249b2ca6ea937d023c25c1607af52ea5cd支票不好

may be i do something false in it可能我做错了什么

You have a couple issues here:你在这里有几个问题:

The first one is using Text at the beginning (not standard, by the way) vs text .第一个是在开头使用Text (顺便说一下,不是标准的)与text That should help you out quite a bit.这应该对你有很大帮助。

The second is that you aren't actually using the get_string method.第二个是您实际上并没有使用get_string方法。 Now, it's possible this works for you;现在,这可能适合您; I just threw it into a Juypter Notebook because I wanted to work with it like a REPL.我只是将它放入 Juypter Notebook 中,因为我想像 REPL 一样使用它。 But, assuming not, let's briefly step through it.但是,假设没有,让我们简要介绍一下。

Conda environment or pip install with cs50 and run that:使用 cs50 安装 Conda 环境或 pip 并运行:


Runs fine with no errors.运行良好,没有错误。 Good.好的。 Now the first block:现在第一个块:

Text = get_string("Text: ")

That (because I'm using a notebook) evaluates as:那(因为我使用的是笔记本)评估为:

Text: None文字:无

Now, maybe there is something specific you are to use in the cs50 library but I used input -- and changed Text to lower case.现在,也许您要在 cs50 库中使用某些特定的东西,但我使用了输入——并将 Text 更改为小写。

But you were on the right path.但你走在正确的道路上。

There are a couple of problems with the way program counts words.程序计算单词的方式存在一些问题。 It is doing so by counting spaces (good plan), but它是通过计算空间来实现的(好的计划),但是

  1. How will it count the last word?它将如何计算最后一个字? It won't (because it's not "followed by" a space).它不会(因为它不是“后跟”一个空格)。 You could consider initializing word to 1 (instead of 0).您可以考虑将 word 初始化为 1(而不是 0)。
  2. Will it count words in the following passage correctly?它会正确计算以下段落中的单词吗? Again, no.再次,没有。 This if text[i].isspace()==True and text[i+1].isalnum()==True: only counts spaces followed by az, AZ, or 0-9. if text[i].isspace()==True and text[i+1].isalnum()==True:只计算后面跟着 az、AZ 或 0-9 的空格。 In this case, it will not count the space after "Alice", so word count is incorrect.在这种情况下,它不会计算“Alice”后面的空格,因此字数统计不正确。

thought Alice "without pictures or conversation?" ”爱丽丝想“没有照片或谈话?”

A side note: accessing i + 1 in the i loop is generally speaking a very bad idea;旁注:在i循环中访问i + 1通常来说是一个非常糟糕的主意; it will be outside the range when i reaches the maximum.当我达到最大值时,它将超出范围。 It hasn't failed in testing because no tested texts end with a space.它在测试中没有失败,因为没有测试过的文本以空格结尾。 If you want to see it fail, enter a text that ends with a space.如果您想看到它失败,请输入以空格结尾的文本。

1) Initialized word to 1; 1) 初始化字为1; 2) Added the following to assume that a letter is any lower/uppercase character: for i in range(n): if text[i].isalnum() or text[i].isupper() or text[i].islower() == True: letter = letter+1 3) Removed for word count: and text[i+1].isalnum()==True: 2) 添加以下内容以假设字母是任何小写/大写字符:for i in range(n): if text[i].isalnum() or text[i].isupper() or text[i].islower () == True: letter = letter+1 3) 删除字数:和 text[i+1].isalnum()==True:

Now your code is 10/10!现在您的代码是 10/10!

Try initializing word to 1, removing 'round' before CLI, and adding round to you second to last print statement.尝试将 word 初始化为 1,在 CLI 之前删除 'round',并将round 添​​加到倒数第二个打印语句。 Example: {round(grade)}示例:{round(grade)}

I had similar code, worked for me.我有类似的代码,为我工作。


if text[i]=="?" or text[i]=="." or text[i]=="!" or text[i]==":":

您应该分配word = 1而不是word = 0 (第 4 行)

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