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如何从 Node 中的 gRPC 服务方法获取元数据

[英]How to get metadata from a gRPC service method in Node

I have a gRPC service running like this:我有一个像这样运行的 gRPC 服务:

server.addService(PassportService, implementation);
server.bind(mfeConfig().grpc.passport, grpc.ServerCredentials.createInsecure());

I can call my service from a client like this:我可以像这样从客户端调用我的服务:

const request = new GetConsoleUserRequest();
const meta = new grpc.Metadata();
meta.add('__.grpc.exchanged-token', token);
  (err: grpc.ServiceError, val: GetConsoleUserResponse) => {

But I can't figure out how to read the metadata in my service implementation.但是我不知道如何在我的服务实现中读取元数据。 Now matter which overloads I define for getConsoleUser , the metadata is never one of the arguments.现在无论我为getConsoleUser定义了哪些重载,元数据都不是参数之一。 Here's getConsoleUser , which just returns some fake data:这是getConsoleUsergetConsoleUser返回一些假数据:

getConsoleUser: (_req: GetConsoleUserRequest, callback: Function) => {
  const response = new GetConsoleUserResponse();
  const user = new ConsoleUser();
  user.setName('Bob Loblaw');
  // Change me to userStatus.GUEST to simulate anonymous user access
  callback(null, response);

I've tried changing that signature to this:我试过将该签名更改为:

getConsoleUser: (_req: GetConsoleUserRequest, meta: grpc.Metadata, callback: Function) => {

But if I do that, the second argument is actually the callback function, and the third argument is undefined.但是如果我这样做,第二个参数实际上是回调函数,而第三个参数是未定义的。

Is there a way to read the metadata from my service implementation?有没有办法从我的服务实现中读取元数据? Or is there some other class that I have to attach my service to so that I can listen for incoming metadata?还是我必须将服务附加到其他一些类,以便我可以侦听传入的元数据?

The first argument passed to the server method is not a message object.传递给服务器方法的第一个参数不是消息对象。 It is a "call" object that has multiple different properties, including call.metadata to get the metadata, and for unary and server streaming methods, call.request has the actual request message.它是一个具有多个不同属性的“调用”对象,包括用于获取元数据的call.metadata ,对于一元和服务器流方法, call.request具有实际的请求消息。 For streaming requests the call object is also a Node.js Stream object that you can write to and/or read from, whichever is relevant.对于流请求, call 对象也是一个 Node.js Stream 对象,您可以写入和/或从中读取,以相关的为准。

For more details, look at the ServerUnaryCall and Server(Readable|Writable|Duplex)Stream classes in the API reference documentation .有关更多详细信息,请查看API 参考文档中的ServerUnaryCallServer(Readable|Writable|Duplex)Stream类。

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