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反应 useEffect 和 clearInterval

[英]React useEffect and clearInterval

I have a button that toggles the state named start from true to false.我有一个按钮可以将名为start的状态从真切换为假。 if true U want to see the console log, as soon as I press stop I want the log to stop.如果是真的,你想查看控制台日志,只要我按下停止,我就希望日志停止。

  useEffect(() => {
    let timePassed = 0;
    let timeLeft = timeLimit;
    if (start) {
      const timerInterval = setInterval(() => {
        timePassed += 1;
        if (!start) {
      }, 100);
  }, [start]);

The console never stop logging start控制台永不停止记录start

The local variable start is never going to change, even if you call setStart .局部变量start永远不会改变,即使你调用setStart Calling setStart is just an instruction to react to render the component again.调用setStart只是一个指令来重新渲染组件。 On that new render a new local variable will be created with start equal to false, but the effect from the previous render is never going to see that.在那个新的渲染上,一个新的局部变量将被创建,start 等于 false,但是之前渲染的效果永远不会看到。

Instead, what you need is to return a teardown function.相反,您需要的是返回一个拆卸函数。 When the effect is called for a second time, react will call the previous time's teardown function.当效果第二次调用时,react 会调用上一次的teardown 函数。

useEffect(() => {
  let timePassed = 0;
  let timeLeft = timeLimit;
  if (start) {
    const timerInterval = setInterval(() => {
      timePassed += 1;
    }, 100);

    return () => {
}, [start])

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