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Angular 8:禁止在 polyfills.ts 上检查特定事件不起作用

[英]Angular 8: Disabling specific events from being checked on polyfills.ts isn't working

I'm developing an application in angular 8 that uses jsPlumbToolkit to display and edit flowcharts.我正在 angular 8 中开发一个应用程序,它使用 jsPlumbToolkit 来显示和编辑流程图。 However i was experiencing performance issues, so i started digging and eventually realized that the change detection from zone.js was running at every mouse move event.但是我遇到了性能问题,所以我开始挖掘并最终意识到 zone.js 的更改检测在每个鼠标移动事件中都在运行。 So i tried adding the following line to pollyfills.ts, as shown in this article .所以我尝试将以下行添加到 pollyfills.ts, 如本文所示

(window as any).__zone_symbol__UNPATCHED_EVENTS = ['scroll', 'mousemove', 'pointermove'];

But that didn't seem to work, as every mouse event is still fired when i run chrome dev tools performace analysis.但这似乎不起作用,因为当我运行 chrome 开发工具性能分析时,每个鼠标事件仍然会被触发。

Screenshot of the performance test, showing multiple events fired where i only waved the pointer around the screen性能测试的屏幕截图,显示在我只在屏幕周围挥动指针时触发的多个事件

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as i'm currently running out of ideas.任何帮助将不胜感激,因为我目前没有想法。

Ok, i dug a little deeper and eventually came across this link:好吧,我挖得更深一些,最终发现了这个链接:

Apparently, you need to create a new file with the above flag and import it into polyfills before you import zone.js.显然,在导入 zone.js 之前,您需要使用上述标志创建一个新文件并将其导入 polyfills。 Hope this helps someone else.希望这对其他人有帮助。


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