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BlocProvider.of() 使用不包含 OfflineBloc 类型的 Bloc 的上下文调用

[英]BlocProvider.of() called with a context that does not contain a Bloc of type OfflineBloc

I'm trying to understand multiBloc with offline database from already created project.我试图从已经创建的项目中了解带有离线数据库的 multiBloc。 I have created demo project same as already created project.我已经创建了与已经创建的项目相同的演示项目。 but getting exception and unable to understand why it is happening.但出现异常并且无法理解为什么会发生这种情况。

actually I'm fetching data from api with bloc pattern and trying to save these data in local database for offline use.实际上,我正在使用 bloc 模式从 api 获取数据,并尝试将这些数据保存在本地数据库中以供离线使用。

and data is being fetched & you can see my email id in console.But after fetching data i'm trying to hit GetOfflineQueueData() event but getting below bloc exception.并且正在获取数据,您可以在控制台中看到我的电子邮件 ID。但是在获取数据后,我试图点击GetOfflineQueueData()事件但低于 bloc 异常。

Note: I'm using multi BLOc.注意:我正在使用多 BLOc。

class _MainHomePageState extends State<MainHomePage> {
  var resultDate ;
  LandingBloc _landingBloc;
  OfflineBloc _offlineBloc;
 // Completer<void> _refreshCompleter;

  void initState() { 
    resultDate = DateTime.now();
    _landingBloc = BlocProvider.of<LandingBloc>(context);
    // _offlineBloc = BlocProvider.of<OfflineBloc>(context);


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    // print("userProfileEmail_______________________________________________________${widget.userProfile?.emailAddress}");
    return Scaffold(
     backgroundColor: Colors.white,
      appBar: AppBar(
        elevation: 1.0,
        backgroundColor: Colors.white,
        title: Padding(
          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
          child: Image.asset('assets/images/logo.png', width: 200, height: 50),
        iconTheme: new IconThemeData(color: Colors.black),
        actions: <Widget>[
            icon: Icon(Icons.search),
            onPressed: () {
              Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context)=> SearchPage()));
        centerTitle: true,
      body: BlocBuilder(
        bloc: _landingBloc,
        builder: (BuildContext context, LandingState state) {

          if(state is UserProfileFetched){
            return buildBodyWidget();
          return showSpinner();  

       drawer: buildDrawer(),


Widget buildDrawer(){ 
    Widget getDrawer;
    if (   AppConfig().isOnline!= null && AppConfig().userProfile != null ) {
      getDrawer = BlocBuilder(
        bloc: _landingBloc,
        builder: (BuildContext context, LandingState state){
          if(state is UserProfileFetched){
            print("object UserProfileFetched _if:$state ");
            print("state.userProfileeeeeeeeeeeeee Email:${state.userProfile.emailAddress}");
              value: BlocProvider.of<OfflineBloc>(context),
              child: DrawerWidget(state.userProfile),
          print("object state else :$state ");
          return BlocProvider<OfflineBloc>.value(
            value: BlocProvider.of<OfflineBloc>(context)..dispatch(GetOfflineQueueData()),
            child: DrawerWidget(AppConfig().userProfile),
      // getDrawer = DrawerWidget(AppConfig().userProfile);
    else if (AppConfig().isOnline != null && AppConfig().userProfile != null) {
       getDrawer = BlocProvider<OfflineBloc>.value(
        value: BlocProvider.of<OfflineBloc>(context)..dispatch(GetOfflineQueueData()),
        child: DrawerWidget(AppConfig().userProfile),
     getDrawer = null;
    return getDrawer;  


Offline bloc离线块

lass OfflineBloc extends Bloc<OfflineEvent, OfflineState> {
  OfflineApi _offlineApi = OfflineApi();
  // OrdersApi _ordersApi = OrdersApi();

  int queueCount = 0;
  List<SyncQueueDBModel> queueData;

  OfflineState get initialState => InitialOfflineState();

  Stream<OfflineState> mapEventToState(OfflineEvent event,) async* {

   if (event is GetOfflineQueueData) {
      List<SyncQueueDBModel> queue = await _offlineApi.getQueue();
      queueData = queue;
      print("Sync Queue from offline bloc");
      queueCount = queue.length;

      yield OfflineQueueDataFetched(count: queue.length);


Offline events:线下活动:

import 'package:meta/meta.dart';

abstract class OfflineEvent {}

class SyncAllMasterTable extends OfflineEvent {}

class CheckMasterTableUpdate extends OfflineEvent {}

class UpdateMasterTable extends OfflineEvent {}

class SyncOfflineQueue extends OfflineEvent {}

class ResyncAllMasterTable extends OfflineEvent {}

class DeleteAllOfflineData extends OfflineEvent {}

class DeleteOfflineMasterData extends OfflineEvent {}

class GetOfflineQueueData extends OfflineEvent {}

Offline states:离线状态:

import 'package:meta/meta.dart';

abstract class OfflineState {}

class InitialOfflineState extends OfflineState {}

class RequestSyncForSpeficMasterTableSyncing extends OfflineState {}

class OfflineOperationInProgress extends OfflineState {}

class SyncAllMasterDataCompleted extends OfflineState {}

class DeleteAllOfflineDataCompleted extends OfflineState {}

class DeleteOfflineMasterDataCompleted extends OfflineState {}

class OfflineQueueDataFetched extends OfflineState {
  final int count;
  OfflineQueueDataFetched({@required this.count});

class OfflineQueueSynched extends OfflineState {}

Console OutPut with exception:控制台输出异常:

estarted application in 2,674ms.
I/flutter (19578): Instance of 'InitNetworkConnectivity'
I/flutter (19578): Instance of 'FetchAppSettings'
I/flutter (19578): Instance of 'SetNetworkStatus'
I/flutter (19578): Transition { currentState: Instance of 'InitialNetworkConnectivityState', event: Instance of 'SetNetworkStatus', nextState: Instance of 'NetworkOnline' }
I/flutter (19578): Connected => WiFi
I/flutter (19578): Transition { currentState: Instance of 'InitialAppSettingsState', event: Instance of 'FetchAppSettings', nextState: Instance of 'AppSettingsFetched' }
I/flutter (19578): Instance of 'ValidateToken'
I/flutter (19578): /data/user/0/com.example.etteo_demo/app_flutter/authentication_token.json
I/flutter (19578): Transition { currentState: Instance of 'InitialSessionState', event: Instance of 'ValidateToken', nextState: Instance of 'SessionTokenValid' }
I/flutter (19578): Instance of 'FetchUserProfile'
I/flutter (19578): Transition { currentState: Instance of 'InitialLandingState', event: Instance of 'FetchUserProfile', nextState: Instance of 'UserProfileFetchingState' }
I/flutter (19578): USERRRR_PROFILE_RESULT{userId: 764bf12f-cf16-4ffd-927d-b93165d14fea, resourceId: e56f7c8b-7b01-4aa1-83e2-230dc024d250, firstName: shruti, lastName: sharma, emailAddress: shrutiramnandansharma@gmail.com, phoneNumber: null, countryCode: null, smsFl: false, contactId: 38cd2eaf-04fa-4176-9c33-b50f7640c37d, timeZoneId: 0b96c1c4-12bc-4dc9-86f4-38cb817a847d, timeZoneName: Eastern Standard Time, timeZoneTime: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada), profileImage: null, createdDate: 2020-02-13T07:21:46.1404603+00:00, address: {addressId: 0, addressTypeId: 4, addressLine1: null, addressLine2: null, addressLine3: null, addressLine4: null, addressLine5: null, city: null, state: null, postalCode: null, country: null, latitude: null, longitude: null}, website: {websiteId: 0, websiteUrl: null, websiteDescription: null}, roles: [Admin], permissions: [UserManagement, ResourceManagement, ManageProviderProfile, UpdateOrderDocument, OverrideCapacity, UpdateDelegateDocument, UpdateOrderNoteVisibility, ManageDelegateRelationship,
I/flutter (19578): Transition { currentState: Instance of 'UserProfileFetchingState', event: Instance of 'FetchUserProfile', nextState: Instance of 'UserProfileFetched' }
I/flutter (19578): object UserProfileFetched _if:Instance of 'UserProfileFetched'
I/flutter (19578): state.userProfileeeeeeeeeeeeee Email:shrutiramnandansharma@gmail.com

════════ Exception caught by widgets library ═══════════════════════════════════
The following assertion was thrown building BlocBuilder<LandingBloc, LandingState>(dirty, state: _BlocBuilderBaseState<LandingBloc, LandingState>#ca0e2):
        BlocProvider.of() called with a context that does not contain a Bloc of type OfflineBloc.

        No ancestor could be found starting from the context that was passed to BlocProvider.of<OfflineBloc>().

        This can happen if:
        1. The context you used comes from a widget above the BlocProvider.
        2. You used MultiBlocProvider and didn't explicity provide the BlocProvider types.

        Good: BlocProvider<OfflineBloc>(builder: (context) => OfflineBloc())
        Bad: BlocProvider(builder: (context) => OfflineBloc()).

        The context used was: BlocBuilder<LandingBloc, LandingState>(dirty, state: _BlocBuilderBaseState<LandingBloc, LandingState>#ca0e2)

The relevant error-causing widget was
    BlocBuilder<LandingBloc, LandingState> 
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack
#0      BlocProvider.of 
#1      _MainHomePageState.buildDrawer.<anonymous closure> 
#2      BlocBuilder.build 
#3      _BlocBuilderBaseState.build 
#4      StatefulElement.build 

Error Screenshot , When I Click on drawer:错误截图,当我点击抽屉时:


Step 1:第1步:

You should not call BlocProvider.of(context) inside initState method.您不应在initState方法中调用BlocProvider.of(context) Instead move your call to didChangeDependencies method.而是将您的调用移动到didChangeDependencies方法。

This method is also called immediately after initState.这个方法也会在 initState 之后立即调用。 It is safe to call BuildContext.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType from this method.从此方法调用 BuildContext.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType 是安全的。


void didChangeDependencies() {

//fetch your bloc here.


Step 2:第2步:

You should ensure your desired Bloc is available for the given context.您应该确保您想要的 Bloc 可用于给定的上下文。 If not, you should add BlocProvider to your current scaffold tree.如果没有,您应该将 BlocProvider 添加到您当前的脚手架树中。

The culprit here is that you are using BlocProvider.of(context)inside buildDrawer() method which has no reference to the OfflineBloc.这里的罪魁祸首是您在 buildDrawer() 方法中使用了 BlocProvider.of(context) ,该方法没有对 OfflineBloc 的引用。 simply pass the OfflineBloc inside this method or just wrap the Scaffold with BlocProvider.只需在此方法中传递 OfflineBloc 或仅使用 BlocProvider 包装 Scaffold。 Check your initState that you have commented this:检查您的 initState 是否已对此发表评论:

// _offlineBloc = BlocProvider.of<OfflineBloc>(context);

or if your want to create your Bloc in this page then use create to create new instance of the OfflineBloc.或者,如果您想在此页面中创建您的 Bloc,则使用 create 创建 OfflineBloc 的新实例。

          create: (context) => _offlineBloc,
    bloc: _landingBloc,
     builder: (BuildContext context, LandingState state) {

      if(state is UserProfileFetched){
        return buildBodyWidget();
      return showSpinner();  

   drawer: buildDrawer(),



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