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[英]How do I model (UML, Class Diagram) an object that is used in a method

I'm working on a class diagram for an existing application (C#) and I'm struggling with the following.我正在为现有应用程序 (C#) 制作类图,但我正在努力解决以下问题。

Say you have two classes A and B .假设您有两个类AB Class B contains a method foo that returns a list of A objects::B包含一个方法foo ,它返回A对象的列表:

public class A { string V {get; set;} }

public class B { 
    string W {get; set;} 

    public List<A> foo(JObject bar) { /* do something */ }

What is the relationship that A has with B in this case when this is modelled in UML?在这种情况下,当用 UML 建模时, AB的关系是什么?

At first I thought this would be a one-to-many relationship where the method returns a list (one or more...) of A .起初我以为这将是一个一对多的关系,其中该方法返回的列表(一个或多个...) A Because when you have a list attribute in a class, it is usually a one-to-many relationship.因为当你在一个类中有一个列表属性时,它通常是一对多的关系。 However, I don't know if this is the same case.但是,我不知道这是不是同一种情况。

In the application, the A class is only used through the method foo() , so it would also be weird to connect it to nothing, as it would then just be a standalone class which I think is wrong too.在应用程序中, A类仅通过方法foo() ,因此将它连接到任何东西也很奇怪,因为它只是一个独立的类,我认为这也是错误的。

The only thing that we can say for sure is that B uses A : B needs to know about A since it returns a list thereof.我们唯一可以肯定的是B使用AB需要知道A因为它返回一个列表。

This kind of relationship is called a dependency : more precisely, it is a «use» dependency .这种关系称为依赖关系:更准确地说,它是«use»依赖关系 A dependency has no multiplicity: there is no difference if the B uses several times A or only once; A 依赖没有多重性:如果B多次使用A或只使用一次,没有区别; the dependency just means that it has to know about A .依赖只是意味着它必须知道A


If you would have a one-to-many association between B and A , it would mean that a structural relation: at a moment in time an instance of B could be linked with some instances of A s.如果BA之间存在一对多关联,则意味着存在结构关系:在某个时刻, B的实例可以A的某些实例相关联 Returning one or several A is not sufficient to create a link, because each A created and returned may be disconned from the B and as soon as the A's would be returned, B could not find them back either.返回一个或多个 A 不足以创建链接,因为创建和返回的每个 A 都可能与 B 断开连接,并且一旦返回 A,B 也找不到它们。 No link, no association.没有链接,没有关联。 The association would require something more durable, comparable to a property .该关联将需要更持久的东西, 可与 property 相媲美

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