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在 Flutter App 中使用 Sliver App Bar 时,状态栏和导航栏颜色不切换

[英]Status bar and navigation bar color is not switching when using Sliver App Bar in Flutter App

This is the code I used to switch between dark mode and light mode.这是我用来在暗模式和亮模式之间切换的代码。 Everything works fine but the color of navigation bar and status bar doesn't change automatically when my widget subtree contains "Sliver App Bar."一切正常,但是当我的小部件子树包含“Sliver App Bar”时,导航栏和状态栏的颜色不会自动更改。

Here's the preview这是预览

PS: As soon as I remove the Sliver App Bar, everything works fine PS:一旦我删除了 Sliver App Bar,一切正常

. .

Code I used to switch between theme.我用来在主题之间切换的代码。

if (MediaQuery.of(context).platformBrightness == Brightness.light) {
  setState(() {
      statusBarColor: Color(0xDCDCDCDC).withOpacity(1),
      statusBarIconBrightness: Brightness.dark,
      systemNavigationBarColor: Color(0xFAFAFAFA),
      systemNavigationBarIconBrightness: Brightness.dark,
else {
  setState(() {
      statusBarColor: Color(0x000).withOpacity(1),
      statusBarIconBrightness: Brightness.light,
      systemNavigationBarColor: Colors.black.withAlpha(234),
      systemNavigationBarIconBrightness: Brightness.light,

. .

Code I used for Sliver App Bar我用于 Sliver App Bar 的代码

class _HomeScreen extends State<HomeScreen>{
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    return CustomScrollView(
        physics: BouncingScrollPhysics(),
        slivers: <Widget>[
            title: Text(
              style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.title.copyWith(fontWeight: FontWeight.w600),
            floating: true,
            backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColorDark,
            elevation: 3,
            forceElevated: true,
            leading: Padding(
              padding: EdgeInsets.only(
                left: 16,
                top: 10,
                bottom: 10
              child: ClipOval(
                clipper: ProfileClipper(),
                child: Image.network(
                  fit: BoxFit.cover,
                  loadingBuilder: (BuildContext context, Widget child, ImageChunkEvent loadingProgress) {
                    if (loadingProgress == null)
                      return child;
                    return Center(
                      child: CircularProgressIndicator(
                        value: loadingProgress.expectedTotalBytes != null
                            ? loadingProgress.cumulativeBytesLoaded / loadingProgress.expectedTotalBytes
                            : null,
            actions: <Widget>[
                padding: EdgeInsets.only(
                  right: 8
                child: IconButton(
                  icon: Icon(
                  onPressed: () {},


您可以尝试将 prop: Brightness: MediaQuery.of(context).platformBrightness 添加到 SliverAppBar?

I've taken your code and make some modifications to make it work.我已经使用了您的代码并进行了一些修改以使其正常工作。 I've moved the method that changes the Brightness and colors of your app to the Main Widget, making it stateful.我已将更改应用程序的亮度和颜色的方法移至 Main Widget,使其成为有状态的。 This allows you to easily change the brightness of your whole application, including the status bar.这使您可以轻松更改整个应用程序的亮度,包括状态栏。 I've also moved the SystemChrome changes to outside of the setState, as they don't need it to be applied.我还将 SystemChrome 更改移到了 setState 之外,因为它们不需要应用它。 Check the code below, and test it yourself:检查下面的代码,并自己测试:

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  // This widget is the root of your application.
  _MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  Brightness _themeBrightness = Brightness.light;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter Demo',
      theme: ThemeData(
        brightness: _themeBrightness,
        primarySwatch: Colors.blueGrey,
        appBarTheme: AppBarTheme(
          brightness: _themeBrightness
      home: Scaffold(
        body: SliverAppBarTheme60543149(
          swapThemeBrightness: swapThemeBrightness,

  void swapThemeBrightness(){
    if (_themeBrightness == Brightness.light) {
        statusBarColor: Colors.black,
        systemNavigationBarColor: Colors.black,
        systemNavigationBarIconBrightness: Brightness.light,
      setState(() {
        _themeBrightness = Brightness.dark;
    } else {
        statusBarColor: Colors.white,
        systemNavigationBarColor: Colors.white,
        systemNavigationBarIconBrightness: Brightness.dark,
        systemNavigationBarDividerColor: Colors.white,
      setState(() {
        _themeBrightness = Brightness.light;

class SliverAppBarTheme60543149 extends StatefulWidget {
  final Function swapThemeBrightness;

    @required this.swapThemeBrightness

  _SliverAppBarTheme60543149State createState() => _SliverAppBarTheme60543149State();

class _SliverAppBarTheme60543149State extends State<SliverAppBarTheme60543149> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return CustomScrollView(
      physics: BouncingScrollPhysics(),
      slivers: <Widget>[
          title: Text(
            style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.title.copyWith(fontWeight: FontWeight.w600),
          floating: true,
          backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColorDark,
          elevation: 3,
          forceElevated: true,
          leading: Padding(
            padding: EdgeInsets.only(
              left: 16,
              top: 10,
              bottom: 10
            child: Container(
              height: 60,
              width: 60,
              color: Colors.blue,
          actions: <Widget>[
              padding: EdgeInsets.only(
                right: 8
              child: IconButton(
                icon: Icon(
                onPressed: () {},
          delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate(
            (context, int){
              return Padding(
                padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
                child: RaisedButton(
                  onPressed: widget.swapThemeBrightness,
                  child: Text('Swap theme'),
            childCount: 1,

this works with me这对我有用

iconTheme: IconThemeData(color: Colors.black),
 brightness: Brightness.light,

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