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ThreadLocal 中的 UUID.randomUUID

[英]UUID.randomUUID within ThreadLocal

I am looking at the following method and I am wondering if putting UUID.randomUUID() within ThreadLocal makes any sense or will not introduce an unintentional overhead:我正在查看以下方法,我想知道将UUID.randomUUID()放在ThreadLocal中是否有意义或不会引入无意的开销:

class UUIDUtil {

// TODO: why putting randomUUID into ThreadLocal? Will this avoid contentions?
public static final ThreadLocal<UUID> generator = 


Should I leave randomUUID within a ThreadLocal ?我应该在ThreadLocal保留randomUUID吗? And if so, why?如果是这样,为什么?

Does putting UUID in ThreadLocal avoids contention if multiple threads want to generate a UUID at the same time?如果多个线程要同时生成 UUID,将 UUID 放入 ThreadLocal 是否可以避免争用?

When you have a look to the JavaDoc for ThreadLocal, you will find there some sample code that can be used to give each Thread a unique number (the original thread id will be reused!!).当您查看 ThreadLocal 的 JavaDoc 时,您会发现一些示例代码可用于为每个线程提供唯一编号(原始线程 ID 将被重用!!)。

With your code here, you will give each thread a unique id in the form of a UUID.使用此处的代码,您将以 UUID 的形式为每个线程提供一个唯一的 ID。 And that has to be stored inside a ThreadLocal instance …这必须存储在 ThreadLocal 实例中......

If that makes sense is a different story, but it can be useful for logging purposes, as it allows you to distinguish the threads more clearly as with the thread id only.如果这有意义则另当别论,但它可用于记录目的,因为它允许您像仅使用线程 id 一样更清楚地区分线程。

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