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[英]React native change state loop

I'm building a react native app where a post has comments .我正在构建一个反应本机应用程序,其中一个postcomments I only want to show the comments when the user clicks on load comments... .我只是想显示comments时,用户点击load comments... The problem is how do I handle the state for each post (there are multiple posts).问题是我如何处理每个帖子的状态(有多个帖子)。 I tried this but it's not working (renderPost is a loop):我试过了,但它不起作用(renderPost 是一个循环):

const renderPost = ({ item, index}) => {
    let fetchComments = false;

    return (
      <View style={[t.mB6]}>
        <View style={[t.roundedLg, t.overflowHidden, t.shadow, t.bgWhite, t.hAuto]}>

            onPress={() => {
              fetchComments = true;
            <Text style={[t.fontBold, t.textBlack, t.mT2, t.mL4, t.w1_2]}>
                load comments...

        { fetchComments ? <Comments postId={item.id}/> : null }

In the code above I set let fetchComments to true when the user clicks on load comments... .在上面的代码中,当用户单击load comments...时,我将let fetchComments设置为 true 。

renderPost is a functional component that doesn't have its own render and its own state, you may resolve this passing a function that changes state through renderPost props in its Father React.Component. renderPost 是一个功能组件,它没有自己的渲染和自己的状态,您可以通过其父 React.Component 中的 renderPost 道具传递一个更改状态的函数来解决这个问题。



class FatherComponentWithState extends React.component{

  setFetchComments = () =>{

      {new renderPost({
         setFetchComments: this.setFetchComments, 
         //(...renderPostOtherStuffs like item, index)

The renderPost function will receive it with something like this: renderPost 函数将接收它,如下所示:

const renderPost = (props) =>{

let fetchComments = props.fetchComments;
let setFetchComments = props.setFetchComments;
let item = props.item
let index = props.index

//...renderPost return remains the same

PS: If you have multiple renderPosts, you can use fetchComments as an array of booleans and set the state to true passing an index as parameter of the setFetchComments function. PS:如果你有多个 renderPost,你可以使用 fetchComments 作为一个布尔数组并将状态设置为 true 传递一个索引作为 setFetchComments 函数的参数。

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