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R Ifelse:查找是否有任何列满足条件

[英]R Ifelse: Find if any column meet the condition

I'm trying to apply the same condition for multiple columns of an array and, then, create a new column if any of the columns meet the condition.我试图对数组的多列应用相同的条件,然后,如果任何列满足条件,则创建一个新列。

I can do it manually with an OR statement, but I was wondering if there is an easy way to apply it for more columns.我可以用 OR 语句手动完成,但我想知道是否有一种简单的方法可以将它应用于更多列。

An example:一个例子:

data <- data.frame(V1=c("A","B"),V2=c("A","A","A","B","B","B"),V3=c("A","A","B","B","A","A"))
data[4] <- ifelse((data[1]=="A"|data[2]=="A"|data[3]=="A"),1,0)

So the 4th row is the only that doesn't meet the condition for all columns:所以第 4 行是唯一不满足所有列条件的行:

  V1 V2 V3 V1
1  A  A  A  1
2  B  A  A  1
3  A  A  B  1
4  B  B  B  0
5  A  B  A  1
6  B  B  A  1

Do you know a way to apply the condition in a shorter code?您知道在较短的代码中应用条件的方法吗? I tried something like我试过类似的东西

data[4] <- ifelse(any(data[,c(1:3)]=="A"),1,0)

but it consider the condition for all the dataset instead of by rows, so all the rows are given 1.但它考虑了所有数据集的条件而不是按行,所以所有行都被赋予 1。


data$NewCol <- +( Reduce(`|`, lapply(data, `==`, 'A')))

We can use apply row-wise :我们可以使用apply row-wise :

data$ans <- +(apply(data[1:3] == "A", 1, any))

#  V1 V2 V3 ans
#1  A  A  A   1
#2  B  A  A   1
#3  A  A  B   1
#4  B  B  B   0
#5  A  B  A   1
#6  B  B  A   1


data$V4 <- +(rowSums(data == 'A') > 0)


  V1 V2 V3 V4
1  A  A  A  1
2  B  A  A  1
3  A  A  B  1
4  B  B  B  0
5  A  B  A  1
6  B  B  A  1

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