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[英]Update 1st column based on string present in 2nd column

I want to update price 2 times if there is "buy 1 get 1 50%" and 3 times if "buy 1 get 1 40%"如果有“买 1 送 1 50%”和 3 次如果“买 1 送 1 40%”,我想更新价格 2 次

  1. Price|价格| Special_Offer特价_优惠
  2. 330 |第330话BUY 1 GET 1 50%买 1 送 1 50%
  3. 810 | 810 | BUY 1 GET 1, 40%买 1 送 1, 40%
  4. 210 |BUY 1,GET 1 at 50% 210 |买一送一 50%

Below is my code, but it is not working下面是我的代码,但它不起作用

DF["Price"]=np.where(DF["Special Offer"].str.contains(r"(BUY 1)(GET1)(50%)",case=False,regex=True),DF["Price]*2,DF["Price])

You forgot the spaces in between, and also dont group with brackets.你忘记了中间的空格,也不用括号分组。 As I undestand you want to capture the price.正如我不明白的那样,您想获取价格。 So we capture it with \\d+ and check if there are needed context with a lookahead like (?= \\| BUY 1 GET 1 50%)所以我们用 \\d+ 捕获它并检查是否有需要的上下文,例如 (?= \\| BUY 1 GET 1 50%)

\d+(?= ?\| ?BUY 1[, ] ?GET 1(?:,? ?| at )50%)
\d+(?= ?\| ?BUY 1[, ] ?GET 1(?:, ?| at )40%)


https://regex101.com/r/vG1kzW/3 https://regex101.com/r/vG1kzW/3

https://regex101.com/r/QImMZf/2 https://regex101.com/r/QImMZf/2

this one is working.这个正在工作。

\d+(?= ?\| ?BUY 1[, ] ?GET 1(?:,? ?| at )50%)
\d+(?= ?\| ?BUY 1[, ] ?GET 1(?:, ?| at )40%)


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