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[英]python bytes to bit string

I have value of the type bytes that need to be converted to BIT STRING我有需要转换为BIT STRING的类型bytes

bytes_val = (b'\\x80\\x00', 14)

the bytes in index zero need to be converted to bit string of length as indicated by the second element (14 in this case) and formatted as groups of 8 bits like below.索引零中的字节需要转换为长度由第二个元素(在本例中为 14)指示的位串,并格式化为如下所示的 8 位组。

expected output => '10000000 000000'B预期输出 => '10000000 000000'B

Another example另一个例子

bytes_val2 = (b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xf0\x00', 45) #=> '11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11110000 00000'B

What about some combination of formatting (below with f-string but can be done otherwise), and slicing:格式化的一些组合(下面使用 f-string 但可以通过其他方式完成)和切片怎么样:

def bytes2binstr(b, n=None):
    s = ' '.join(f'{x:08b}' for x in b)
    return s if n is None else s[:n + n // 8 + (0 if n % 8 else -1)]

If I understood correctly (I am not sure what the B at the end is supposed to mean), it passes your tests and a couple more:如果我理解正确(我不确定最后的B是什么意思),它会通过您的测试和更多测试:

func = bytes2binstr
args = (
    (b'\x80\x00', None),
    (b'\x80\x00', 14),
    (b'\x0f\x00', 14),
    (b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xf0\x00', 16),
    (b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xf0\x00', 22),
    (b'\x0f\xff\xff\xff\xf0\x00', 45),
    (b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xf0\x00', 45),
for arg in args:
# (b'\x80\x00', None)
# '10000000 00000000'
# (b'\x80\x00', 14)
# '10000000 000000'
# (b'\x0f\x00', 14)
# '00001111 000000'
# (b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xf0\x00', 16)
# '11111111 11111111'
# (b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xf0\x00', 22)
# '11111111 11111111 111111'
# (b'\x0f\xff\xff\xff\xf0\x00', 45)
# '00001111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11110000 00000'
# (b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xf0\x00', 45)
# '11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11110000 00000'


  • we start from a bytes object我们从一个bytes对象开始
  • iterating through it gives us a single byte as a number遍历它给我们一个字节作为数字
  • each byte is 8 bit, so decoding that will already give us the correct separation每个字节是 8 位,因此解码已经为我们提供了正确的分离
  • each byte is formatted using the b binary specifier, with some additional formatting: 0 zero fill, 8 minimum length每个字节都使用b二进制说明符进行格式化,并带有一些额外的格式: 0零填充, 8最小长度
  • we join (concatenate) the result of the formatting using ' ' as "separator"我们使用' '作为“分隔符”加入(连接)格式化的结果
  • finally the result is returned as is if a maximum number of bits n was not specified (set to None ), otherwise the result is cropped to n + the number of spaces that were added in-between the 8-character groups.最后,如果未指定最大位数n (设置为None ),则结果将按原样返回,否则结果将被裁剪为n + 在 8 个字符组之间添加的空格数。

In the solution above 8 is somewhat hard-coded.在上面的解决方案中, 8有点硬编码。 If you want it to be a parameter, you may want to look into (possibly a variation of) @kederrac first answer using int.from_bytes() .如果您希望它成为一个参数,您可能需要使用int.from_bytes()来查看(可能是) @kederrac 的第一个答案 This could look something like:这可能看起来像:

def bytes2binstr_frombytes(b, n=None, k=8):
    s = '{x:0{m}b}'.format(m=len(b) * 8, x=int.from_bytes(b, byteorder='big'))[:n]
    return ' '.join([s[i:i + k] for i in range(0, len(s), k)])

which gives the same output as above.这给出了与上面相同的输出。

Speedwise, the int.from_bytes() -based solution is also faster: Speedwise,基于int.from_bytes()的解决方案也更快:

for i in range(2, 7):
    n = 10 ** i
    b = b''.join([random.randint(0, 2 ** 8 - 1).to_bytes(1, 'big') for _ in range(n)])
    for func in funcs:
        print(func.__name__, funcs[0](b, n * 7) == func(b, n * 7))
        %timeit func(b, n * 7)
# 100
# bytes2binstr True
# 10000 loops, best of 3: 33.9 µs per loop
# bytes2binstr_frombytes True
# 100000 loops, best of 3: 15.1 µs per loop

# 1000
# bytes2binstr True
# 1000 loops, best of 3: 332 µs per loop
# bytes2binstr_frombytes True
# 10000 loops, best of 3: 134 µs per loop

# 10000
# bytes2binstr True
# 100 loops, best of 3: 3.29 ms per loop
# bytes2binstr_frombytes True
# 1000 loops, best of 3: 1.33 ms per loop

# 100000
# bytes2binstr True
# 10 loops, best of 3: 37.7 ms per loop
# bytes2binstr_frombytes True
# 100 loops, best of 3: 16.7 ms per loop

# 1000000
# bytes2binstr True
# 1 loop, best of 3: 400 ms per loop
# bytes2binstr_frombytes True
# 10 loops, best of 3: 190 ms per loop

you can use:您可以使用:

def bytest_to_bit(by, n):
    bi = "{:0{l}b}".format(int.from_bytes(by, byteorder='big'), l=len(by) * 8)[:n]
    return ' '.join([bi[i:i + 8] for i in range(0, len(bi), 8)])

bytest_to_bit(b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xf0\x00', 45)


'11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11110000 00000'


  1. transform your bytes to an integer using int.from_bytes使用int.from_bytes将您的字节转换为整数

  2. str.format method can take a binary format spec. str.format方法可以采用二进制格式规范。

also, you can use a more compact form where each byte is formatted:此外,您可以使用更紧凑的格式,其中每个字节都被格式化:

def bytest_to_bit(by, n):
    bi = ' '.join(map('{:08b}'.format, by))
    return bi[:n + len(by) - 1].rstrip()

bytest_to_bit(b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xf0\x00', 45)
test_data = [
    (b'\x80\x00', 14),
    (b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xf0\x00', 45),

def get_bit_string(bytes_, length) -> str:
    output_chars = []
    for byte in bytes_:
        for _ in range(8):
            if length <= 0:
                return ''.join(output_chars)
            output_chars.append(str(byte >> 7 & 1))
            byte <<= 1
            length -= 1
        output_chars.append(' ')
    return ''.join(output_chars)

for data in test_data:


10000000 000000
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11110000 00000


  • length : Start from target legnth, and decreasing to 0 . length :从目标长度开始,递减到0
  • if length <= 0: return ... : If we reached target length, stop and return. if length <= 0: return ... : 如果我们达到目标长度,停止并返回。
  • ''.join(output_chars) : Make string from list. ''.join(output_chars) : 从列表中生成字符串。
  • str(byte >> 7 & 1)
    • byte >> 7 : Shift 7 bits to right(only remains MSB since byte has 8 bits.) byte >> 7 :右移 7 位(由于字节有 8 位,因此仅保留 MSB。)
    • MSB means Most Significant Bit MSB 表示最高有效位
    • (...) & 1 : Bit-wise and operation. (...) & 1 :按位和操作。 It extracts LSB.它提取 LSB。
  • byte <<= 1 : Shift 1 bit to left for byte . byte <<= 1 :为byte左移 1 位。
  • length -= 1 : Decreasing length . length -= 1 :减少length

This is lazy version.这是懒人版。
It neither loads nor processes the entire bytes.它既不加载也不处理整个字节。
This one does halt regardless of input size.无论输入大小如何,这都会停止
The other solutions may not!其他解决方案可能不会!

I use collections.deque to build bit string.我使用collections.deque来构建位串。

from collections import deque
from itertools import chain, repeat, starmap
import os  

def bit_lenght_list(n):
    eights, rem = divmod(n, 8)
    return chain(repeat(8, eights), (rem,))

def build_bitstring(byte, bit_length):
    d = deque("0" * 8, 8)
    return "".join(d)[:bit_length]

def bytes_to_bits(byte_string, bits):
    return "{!r}B".format(
        " ".join(starmap(build_bitstring, zip(byte_string, bit_lenght_list(bits))))


In [1]: bytes_ = os.urandom(int(1e9)) 

In [2]: timeit bytes_to_bits(bytes_, 0)                                                                                                                   
4.21 µs ± 27.8 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)

In [3]: timeit bytes_to_bits(os.urandom(1), int(1e9))                                                                                                 
6.8 µs ± 51 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)

In [4]: bytes_ = os.urandom(6)                                                                                                                        

In [5]: bytes_                                                                                                                                       
Out[5]: b'\xbf\xd5\x08\xbe$\x01'

In [6]: timeit bytes_to_bits(bytes_, 45)  #'10111111 11010101 00001000 10111110 00100100 00000'B                                                                                                        
12.3 µs ± 85 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)

In [7]:  bytes_to_bits(bytes_, 14)                                                                                                                   
Out[7]: "'10111111 110101'B"

when you say BIT you mean binary?当你说 BIT 时,你的意思是二进制? I would try我会尝试

bytes_val = b'\\x80\\x00'

for byte in bytes_val:
    value_in_binary = bin(byte)


bit_str = ' '.join(bin(i).replace('0b', '') for i in bytes_val)

This works in Python 3.x:这适用于 Python 3.x:

def to_bin(l):
    val, length = l
    bit_str = ''.join(bin(i).replace('0b', '') for i in val)
    if len(bit_str) < length:
        # pad with zeros
        return '0'*(length-len(bit_str)) + bit_str
        # cut to size
        return bit_str[:length]

bytes_val = [b'\x80\x00',14]

and this works in 2.x:这适用于 2.x:

def to_bin(l):
    val, length = l
    bit_str = ''.join(bin(ord(i)).replace('0b', '') for i in val)
    if len(bit_str) < length:
        # pad with zeros
        return '0'*(length-len(bit_str)) + bit_str
        # cut to size
        return bit_str[:length]

bytes_val = [b'\x80\x00',14]

Both produce result 00000100000000两者都产生结果00000100000000

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