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文本字符串中的 ASP.NET Razor 标记助手

[英]ASP.NET Razor tag helper inside text string

In my razor page view I'm populating a model to pass to a partial, like this:在我的 razor 页面视图中,我正在填充一个模型以传递给部分,如下所示:

Razor Page剃刀页

    if (Model.Success)
        Model.AlertMessage = new AlertMessage()
            Title = "Email Confirmed",
            Description = "Your email has been confirmed, you can now <a href=\"/login\">login</a> to your account."
        Model.AlertMessage = new AlertMessage()
            Title = "Confirmation Failed",
            Description = "Your email could not be confirmed, please <a href=\"/confirmemail\">try again</a>."

<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 offset-md-2">
    <partial name="_Partials/Alerts/_AlertMessage", model="Model.AlertMessage"/>

Partial View局部视图

@model AlertMessage

<div class="alert">
<div class="row">
    <div class="col-auto align-self-center alert-icon">
    <div class="col">
        <span class="alert-title">@Model.Title</span>
        <p class="alert-content">@Html.Raw(@Model.Description)</p>

The above is working, but I'm wondering if it is possible to use a razor tag helper inside the text string?以上是有效的,但我想知道是否可以在文本字符串中使用剃刀标签助手? To somehow replace the hard coded anchor tag <a href=\\"/login\\">login</a> with a tag helper <a asp-page="/Login"> and have it render the HTML properly?以某种方式用标签助手<a asp-page="/Login">替换硬编码的锚标签<a href=\\"/login\\">login</a>并让它正确呈现 HTML?

    if (Model.Success)
    Model.AlertMessage = new AlertMessage()
        Title = "Email Confirmed",
        Description = "Your email has been confirmed, you can now" + @Html.ActionLink("Login", "Login") + "to your account."

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