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如何从 axios 响应对象中的所有项目中提取特定值到 aa vuex 状态

[英]How can I extract specific values from all items in axios response object to a a vuex state

This is driving me nuts!这让我发疯!

I have got an axios call returning an json array object in console - Check!我有一个 axios 调用在控制台中返回一个 json 数组对象 - 检查!

>(100) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]
id: 54892250
iid: 1001
ref: "master"
sha: "63e3fc014e207dd4e708749cee3e89a1aa416b7d"
created_at: "2020-03-05T18:57:02.793Z"
updated_at: "2020-03-05T19:06:27.651Z"
>user: {id: someuserid, name: "someuser", username: "someusername", state: "active", avatar_url: "https://assets.gitlab-static.net/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/4534925/avatar.png", …}
>environment: {id: 123456, name: "somename", slug: "somename-iw5iqp", external_url: "https://someaddress.com"}
>deployable: {id: someid, status: "success", stage: "deploy", name: "deploy-staging", ref: "master", …}
status: "success"
__proto__: Object
>1: {id: 54804365, iid: 1000, ref: "filter-out-expired-items", sha: "6225d8018c86fa906063aeea5c10c710ddced14c", created_at: "2020-03-05T12:25:18.949Z", …}
>2: {id: 54804175, iid: 999, ref: "master", sha: "aa5e50c50ba95e9b16cbc57fb968bf9075c625b2", created_at: "2020-03-05T12:24:02.284Z", …}
>3: {id: 54801934, iid: 998, ref: "filter-out-expired-items", sha: "4fc2

Now I need to do 2 things with this result:现在我需要用这个结果做两件事:

  1. when fully expanded this response is large - and there are thousands of them.当完全扩展时,这种反应是很大的——而且有成千上万。 Rather than store 1000s of giant json reponses in a vuex state - I want to first only extract the values we care about which are the following:而不是在 vuex 状态中存储 1000 个巨大的 json 响应 - 我想首先只提取我们关心的值,如下所示:
    • id ID
    • ref参考
    • environment.name环境名称
    • status地位
    • deployable.tag可部署标签

to something like:类似于:

{ "id": id, "ref": ref, "environment": environment.name, "status": status, "tag": deployable.tag, }

How do I do this?我该怎么做呢?

  1. This response is paginated over many pages above is just a partial sample from one page's results.此响应在许多页面上分页 以上只是一个页面结果的部分示例。

I have a working loop for that and I am getting the console.log for all of them.我有一个工作循环,我正在获取所有这些的 console.log。 BUT what I need to do is concatenate all pages (now stripped to the above fields) before I commit to the state.但是我需要做的是在提交状态之前连接所有页面(现在已剥离到上述字段)。 If have tried object copies, pushing to arrays and all kinds of utils promising the world - but I cannot get any of them working :)如果尝试过对象复制,推送到数组和各种有前途的实用程序 - 但我无法让它们中的任何一个工作:)

So in summary:所以总结一下:

  1. get a page's results获取页面结果
  2. squash item in the array to a simplified version将数组中的项压缩为简化版本
  3. collect them all into a object I can insert into the state将它们全部收集到我可以插入状态的对象中

Relevant part of the loop循环的相关部分

  // Use headers to get the number of pages
  const pages = await axios.head(url, options)
    .then((response) => response.headers['x-total-pages']);
  console.log('pages=', pages); // DEBUG
  // Loop through and push them to an array
  for (let i = 0; i <= pages; i += 1) {
    console.log('i=', i);
    options = {
      headers: {
        'Private-Token': token,
      params: {
        order_by: 'created_at',
        sort: 'desc',
        per_page: 100,
        page: i,
    axios.get(url, options)
      .then((result) => { console.log(result.data); })

Create an array for the total results:为总结果创建一个数组:

const results = [];

Where you're logging, parse each individual result:在您记录的地方,解析每个单独的结果:

result.data.forEach(item => {
     id: item.id,
     ref: item.ref,
     environment: item.environment.name,
     status: item.status,
     tag: item.deployable.tag

Note that it may be a performance optimization to use a normal for loop instead of forEach .请注意,使用普通for循环而不是forEach可能是一种性能优化。

I think you could use Promise to keep the Order of requests, hence the Sorting in across pages data.我认为您可以使用 Promise 来保持请求的顺序,从而对跨页数据进行排序。 The key is to put each axios call into an array, and then call Promise.all([]) with that array to get all reponses all at once in the original order you made the requests.关键是将每个 axios 调用放入一个数组中,然后使用该数组调用Promise.all([])以按照您发出请求的原始顺序一次获得所有响应。

// Use headers to get the number of pages
const pages = await axios.head(url, options)
.then((response) => response.headers['x-total-pages']);
console.log('pages=', pages); // DEBUG

let promises = [];

// Loop through and push them to an array
for (let i = 0; i <= pages; i += 1) {
  console.log('i=', i);
  options = {
    headers: {
      'Private-Token': token,
    params: {
      order_by: 'created_at',
      sort: 'desc',
      per_page: 100,
      page: i,

  let promise = axios.get(url, options);
  // this below keep responses order

// This wait for all Axios calls to be resolved as promise
  .then((result) => {
    // now if you have 10 pages, you'll have result[0] to result[9], each of them is an axios response
    console.log(result[1].data); // if pages > 0

    let items = []; // you can declare it outside too for Scope access
    for (let i = 0; i <= pages; i += 1) {
      // so many records, then take the minimum info
      if (result[i].data.length >= 1000) {
        result[i].data.forEach(item => {
            id: item.id,
            ref: item.ref,
            environment: item.environment.name,
            status: item.status,
            tag: item.deployable.tag
      } else {
        // Not so many records then take all info
        items = items.concat(result[i]);

    // TODO: do whatever you want with the items array now


I would use Array.prototype.map here to map the original objects into simplified ones with only a subset of the properties:我会在这里使用Array.prototype.map将原始对象映射到只有属性子集的简化对象:

const newResult = result.data.map(d => ({
                                   id: d.id,
                                   ref: d.ref,
                                   environmentName: d.environment.name,
                                   status: d.deployable.status,
                                   deployableTag: d.deployable.tag

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