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[英]How can i do a gradle publish on teamcity to publish a gradle build that uses the maven plugin?

I have teamcity currently configured to use the maven mojo, to publish the gradle jar as a nexus snapshot with just the gav.我目前已将 teamcity 配置为使用 maven mojo,将 gradle jar 发布为仅带有 gav 的 nexus 快照。

I observe that if i use the maven plugin and do a gradle install in the IDE, i am able to see the generated pom.我观察到,如果我使用 maven 插件并在 IDE 中进行 gradle 安装,我可以看到生成的 pom。

1) Can i use this pom to publish the jar in nexus repo in teamcity ? 1)我可以使用这个pom在teamcity的nexus repo中发布jar吗? I know that i can do it for a pure maven build by using it's pom.我知道我可以通过使用它的 pom.xml 来为纯 maven 构建做到这一点。

2) Is there a way to not use this pom, and istead configure teamcity build steps to publish from gradle build directly ? 2)有没有办法不使用这个pom,而是配置teamcity构建步骤直接从gradle构建发布?

Gradle can of course take care of the publication. Gradle 当然可以负责发布。 It will leverage the build information to produce a POM file that represents best what is declared in your project.它将利用构建信息生成一个 POM 文件,该文件最能代表您项目中声明的内容。

It will then be trivial to invoke that Gradle task from the Teamcity build.然后从 Teamcity 构建中调用该 Gradle 任务将是微不足道的。

Have a look at the publishing documentation for details on how to set it up.有关如何设置的详细信息,请查看 发布文档

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