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[英]Paypal Smart Buttons digital goods

I'm using the Paypal Smart Buttons for reciving money to integrate in my digital platform.我正在使用 Paypal 智能按钮收款以集成到我的数字平台中。 I'm not selling a phisical goods, but a Service/Digital Good.我卖的不是实物商品,而是服务/数字商品。

I have followed the tutorial from the Paypal website and by looking the Paypal web documentation i have created this order :我遵循了 Paypal 网站上的教程,并通过查看 Paypal 网络文档创建了此订单:

order = actions.order.create({
    application_context: {
        locale : "ITA",
    purchase_units: [{
        description:"BLA BLA",

                name: "BLA BLA",
                unit_amount :{
                    value : "5.00"

        amount: {
            currency_code: "EUR",
            value: 5.00

When i try it, i recive this error ( By Google Chrome Dev Tool Console )当我尝试时,我收到此错误(通过 Google Chrome 开发工具控制台)

POST https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/checkout/orders 422 (Unprocessable Entity)

I have tryed to remove the item parameter, by doing that i do not have any problem by paying, but i'm not sure that is right for my case, that i'm selling a Service/Digital Good.我已尝试删除item参数,这样做我付款没有任何问题,但我不确定这是否适合我的情况,我正在销售服务/数字商品。

Which is the right way to do it?哪个是正确的方法?

You should click to read the body of the 422 response in Dev Tools;您应该点击阅读 Dev Tools 中 422 响应的正文; it contains a message with full information about the problem.它包含一条消息,其中包含有关该问题的完整信息。

You are missing an amount breakdown with an item_total , which is required when passing line items.您缺少带有item_total的金额明细,这是传递行项目时所必需的。

See the documentation about this required parameter: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/orders/v2/#definition-item请参阅有关此必需参数的文档: https : //developer.paypal.com/docs/api/orders/v2/#definition-item

    amount: {
        currency_code: "USD",
        value: '5.00',
        breakdown: {
            item_total: {
                currency_code: "USD",
                value: '5.00',

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