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Javascript - 不能在模块外使用导入语句

[英]Javascript - Cannot use import statement outside a module

So I have major problem with importing from one class to another and what I have done is in my "main" class which I call所以我在从一个类导入到另一个类时遇到了主要问题,我所做的是在我称之为的“主”类中


import { DetailsPage } from '../tests/detailsPageObj';

const utils = require("../utils/utils");
const assert = require('../node_modules/chai').assert;
const userData = require('../globalContent.json');

describe('Details page', function () {
    const detailsPage = new DetailsPage();

    // The details page is accessible by the specified URL
    it(`Is defined by the URL: ${userData.url}`, async function () {
        await detailsPage.navigate();

    // Details page has a form and it can be filled out with user data
    it('Has a form that can receive user data', async function () {
        await detailsPage.fillFormWithUserData(); // If you want, make the user data passable to the method
        await utils.click(detailsPage.form.buttons.nextStep);

    if (detailsPage.hasStockConflict) {
        // Details page allows the user to fix conflicts in stocks
        it('Enables resolution of stock conflicts', async function () {
            // Wait for stock to fully load
            await browser.sleep(2000);
            await detailsPage.clickAllRemoveButtons();
            await detailsPage.clickAllDecreaseButtons();

    // Details page allows the user to proceed to the next stage when all conflicts (if any) has been resolved
    it('Allows the user to proceed to the next stage of purchasing', async function () {
        const nextStepButton = detailsPage.form.buttons.nextStep;
        await utils.elementToBeClickable(nextStepButton);
        await utils.click(nextStepButton);

and what I am trying tod o is to get DetailsPage from another script which is called:我想要做的是从另一个名为的脚本中获取 DetailsPage:


import { element, by } from 'protractor';

const utils = require("../utils/utils");
const userData = require('../globalContent.json');

export class DetailsPage {
    get pageUtils() {
        return {
            qtyRegex: /^Sorry.*?(\d+)/

    private get fields() {
        return {
            email: element(by.id('email')),
            firstName: element(by.id('firstName')),
            lastName: element(by.id('lastName')),
            postalCode: element(by.id('postalCode')),
            addressOne: element(by.id('addressOne')),
            addressTwo: element(by.id('addressTwo')),
            phone: element(by.id('phone')),
            businessCustomerCB: element(by.id('isBusinessCustomer')),
            company: element(by.id('company')),
            GST: element(by.id('gst')),

    private get groups() {
        return {
            address: element(by.css('div#addressGroup.input-container.showHiddenGroup'));
            company: element(by.id('companyGroup')),

    private get modals() {
        return {
            contactModalLink: element(by.id('contactModalLink')),
            cross: element(by.className('modal-cross')),

    private get formButtons() {
        return {
            nextStep: element(by.id('submitIdentityFormButton')),
            mobile: this.mobileFormButtons

    private get mobileFormButtons() {
        return {
            continue: element(by.id('stock-conflict-continue-button')),
            removeOutOfStockItems: element(by.css('button[id="removeOutOfStockItems"]')), // I just assumed that this is a part of the form

    private get productFrameMobileButtons() {
        return {
            stockControll: element.all(by.className('stock-controller mobile')),
            remove: element.all(by.className('btn btn-remove btn-outlined mobile')),

    private get productFrameDesktopButtons() {
        return {
            stockControll: element.all(by.className('stock-controller desktop')),
            remove: element.all(by.className('btn btn-remove btn-outlined desktop')),

    get form() {
        return {
            fields: this.fields,
            groups: this.groups,
            buttons: this.formButtons,
            modals: this.modals

    get productFrame() {
        return {
            buttons: {
                decrease: element.all(by.className("btn left")).first(),
                mobile: this.productFrameMobileButtons,
                desktop: this.productFrameDesktopButtons

    get errors() {
        return {
            stockConflict: element(by.className('generic-error-heading')),

and what I am trying to do is in detailsPage.js im trying to import detailsPageObj.js but whenever I am trying to do it I do get SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module .我想要做的是在 detailsPage.js 我试图导入 detailsPageObj.js 但每当我尝试这样做时,我都会收到SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module

What am I doing wrong我究竟做错了什么

I don't know what is your environment like, but I experienced a similar problem where my environment used a full build step for creating the target JS code from my sources (eg from TypeScript or from ES6+) to a bundled/plain JS.我不知道您的环境是什么样的,但我遇到了类似的问题,我的环境使用完整的构建步骤从我的源(例如从 TypeScript 或从 ES6+)创建目标 JS 代码到捆绑/普通 JS。

But then my test environment did not have any build step.但是后来我的测试环境没有任何构建步骤。 So when I executed the tests, it only understood plain JS, which by default in a node.js environment does not recognize import but only require .因此,当我执行测试时,它只理解普通 JS,默认情况下,在 node.js 环境中,它不识别import而只require

You can use import in your node.js code without a build step, but you need to follow some steps, eg rename your file from *.js to *.mjs.您可以在没有构建步骤的 node.js 代码中使用import ,但您需要遵循一些步骤,例如将您的文件从 *.js 重命名为 *.mjs。 More details here .更多细节在这里

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