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有没有办法设置订阅功能齐全的 UWP 商店应用程序,无需附加组件和无限试用?

[英]Is there a way to set subscription to a UWP Store App fully featured, without Add-Ons and with unlimited trial?

I would like to publish a UWP app on the Microsoft Store with the following configuration.我想使用以下配置在 Microsoft Store 上发布 UWP 应用程序。

-App is listed as Free+ with unlimited trial - 应用程序被列为免费+无限试用

-User downloads the app without purchasing and can use it forever, with all features - 用户无需购买即可下载应用程序并可以永久使用它,具有所有功能

-A reminder will popup at each launch of the app to inform the user that this app has a trial unlimited in time but that he could purchase it for a few pennies by clicking a button. - 每次启动应用程序时都会弹出一个提醒,通知用户该应用程序有无限时间的试用,但他可以通过单击按钮以几便士的价格购买。 By doing so there will be a subscription recurrent billing (one year) for which he can opt out at anytime通过这样做,将有一个订阅循环计费(一年),他可以随时选择退出

Essentially, I am trying to mimic the donation subscription model, but with a fixed price, circa 1 dollar.本质上,我试图模仿捐赠订阅模式,但价格固定,大约 1 美元。

I see on the docs that there is a subscription options, great, but it requires me to create an add-on.我在文档上看到有订阅选项,很好,但它需要我创建一个附加组件。 I do not understand why those two are linked?我不明白为什么这两个是联系在一起的? Can't I create a subscription without an add-on, since my app comes as fully featured from the start?我不能在没有附加组件的情况下创建订阅,因为我的应用程序从一开始就功能齐全吗?

Any help on how to achieve the above bullets, and clarification if possible is appreciated.任何有关如何实现上述项目符号的帮助,并在可能的情况下进行澄清表示赞赏。 Thanks谢谢

>App is listed as Free+ with unlimited trial >应用被列为免费+无限试用

This is possible because you could choose Unlimited for the trial according to this document: Free trail这是可能的,因为您可以根据此文档选择 Unlimited 进行试用: 免费试用

>User downloads the app without purchasing and can use it forever, with all features >用户无需购买即可下载该应用程序并可以永久使用它,具有所有功能

This is possible as well.这也是可能的。 When you find that he has a trial certificate, don't limit any features.当你发现他有试用证书时,不要限制任何功能。

>Can't I create a subscription without an add-on, since my app comes as fully featured from the start? >我不能在没有附加组件的情况下创建订阅,因为我的应用程序从一开始就功能齐全吗?

You might misunderstand the relationship between Subscription and Add-ons.您可能会误解订阅和附加组件之间的关系。 Subscription is a type of Add-on.订阅是一种附加组件。 In the document you post, you could see that the first step of creating a subscription is to create an add-on and choose Subscription for product type.在您发布的文档中,您可以看到创建订阅的第一步是创建附加组件并为产品类型选择订阅。 It doesn't matter whether your app is fully featured or not.您的应用程序是否功能齐全并不重要。

Currently, subscriptions are available for in-app purchases of digital products only, not for the app itself.目前,订阅仅适用于数字产品的应用内购买,不适用于应用本身。 So you can't create subscriptions that directly to the app.因此,您无法创建直接到应用程序的订阅。 Please create add-on subscriptions instead.请改为创建附加订阅。

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