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Artifactory nuget push - 不存在的用户(API 密钥/访问令牌)

[英]Artifactory nuget push - non-existing user (API key / access token)

I am able to push nuget packages to Artifactory using dotnet nuget push %WORKSPACE%\\NuGetPackages\\*.nupkg --source <url> --api-key <username>:<encrypted password> .我可以使用dotnet nuget push %WORKSPACE%\\NuGetPackages\\*.nupkg --source <url> --api-key <username>:<encrypted password>将 nuget 包推送到 Artifactory。 However, I would like push using a API key or an access token, but I receive 403 Forbidden trying to do so.但是,我想使用 API 密钥或访问令牌进行推送,但我收到403 Forbidden尝试这样做。 Is it possible to get this working?有可能让这个工作吗?

NuGet protocol expects the API key to be username:password . NuGet 协议要求 API 密钥为username:password You can use the Artifactory API key instead of the password, but you still have to provide the username, as described as a fourth option in the API docs .您可以使用 Artifactory API 密钥代替密码,但您仍然必须提供用户名,如API 文档中的第四个选项所述

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