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[英]How many device drivers are available for Windows

I'm trying to estimate, for back-of-the-napkin calculation purposes, how many different device drivers are available for Windows. 为了方便进行计算,我试图估算Windows有多少种不同的设备驱动程序。 I'm trying to understand what it might take in terms of size of collected data and processing power what would be required to do some statistical analysis of drivers. 我试图了解在收集数据的大小和处理能力方面可能需要做些什么,以便对驱动程序进行一些统计分析。

Anybody have any references? 有人参考吗? Ideas? 想法? At this point educated guesses would be much appreciated. 在这一点上,有根据的猜测将不胜感激。

Driverguide.com has a little more than 1.5 million drivers and firmware in their database. Driverguide.com的数据库中有150万个以上的驱动程序和固件。 Most but not all of the drivers are for Windows. 大多数(但不是全部)驱动程序适用于Windows。 So excluding the non-Windows drivers, the firmware, and the duplicates, somewhere around a million is probably a good bet. 因此,将非Windows驱动程序,固件和重复项排除在外,大概在一百万左右可能是个不错的选择。

http://blogs.msdn.com/e7/archive/2008/11/19/disk-space.aspx might give some pointers. http://blogs.msdn.com/e7/archive/2008/11/19/disk-space.aspx可能会提供一些指针。

There are almost 2Gb of drivers SHIPPED with windows, probably 10000% more out in the wild. 装有Windows的驱动程序将近有2Gb,可能在野外增加10000%。

The number of different drivers is unquestionably in the millions, especially if you count different versions of the driver (as Nate Bross said). 毫无疑问,不同的驱动程序数以百万计,特别是如果您计算不同版本的驱动程序时(如Nate Bross所说)。

You might be able to data mine the Microsoft Update Catalog site to count the drivers available on Windows Update. 您也许可以对Microsoft Update目录站点进行数据挖掘,以计算Windows Update上可用的驱动程序。 There's a LOT of drivers there :). 那里有很多驱动程序:)。

This article on the Engineering 7 blog also talks about the numbers of drivers tested with Windows 7. Engineering 7博客上的这篇文章还讨论了Windows 7测试的驱动程序数量。

I would guess on the order of 100s of thousands; 我猜大概是几十万; potentially approaching a million. 可能接近一百万。

Assuming that a given device may have a driver for Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Server 2003, and Server 2008. And that driver is counted five times, since each is different. 假定给定设备可能具有适用于Windows 2000,XP,Vista,Server 2003和Server 2008的驱动程序。该驱动程序被计为五次,因为每个驱动程序都不相同。

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