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将 XML 子节点插入 SQL 表

[英]Insert XML child node to SQL table

I've got an XML file like this and I'm working with SQL 2014 SP2我有一个这样的 XML 文件,我正在使用 SQL 2014 SP2

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<entity id="1" version="123456789">
       <alias category="STRONG" type="Alias">USCJSC</alias>
        <alias category="WEAK" type="Alias">'OSKOAO'</alias>
        <program type="21">prog</program>
        <sdf name="OriginalID">9876</sdf>
            <address1>1141, SYA-KAYA STR.</address1>
            <address1>90, MARATA UL.</address1>

I made a script to insert data from the XML to a SQL table.我制作了一个脚本来将数据从 XML 插入到 SQL 表中。 How can I insert child node into a table?如何将子节点插入表中? I think I should replicate the row for each new child node but i don't know the best way to proceed.我想我应该为每个新的子节点复制该行,但我不知道继续的最佳方式。

Here is my SQL code这是我的 SQL 代码



    product.value('(@id)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(10)') id, 
    product.value('(@version)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(14)')  ID
    product.value('(name[1])', 'NVARCHAR(255)') name,
    product.value('(listId[1])', 'NVARCHAR(9)')listId,
    product.value('(listCode[1])', 'NVARCHAR(10)')listCode,
    product.value('(entityType[1])', 'NVARCHAR(2)')entityType,
    product.value('(createdDate[1])', 'NVARCHAR(10)')createdDate,
    product.value('(lastUpdateDate[1])', 'NVARCHAR(10)')lastUpdateDate,
    product.value('(source[1])', 'NVARCHAR(15)')source,
    product.value('(OriginalSource[1])', 'NVARCHAR(50)')OriginalSource,
    product.value('(aliases[1])', 'NVARCHAR(50)')aliases,
    product.value('(programs[1])', 'NVARCHAR(50)')programs,
    product.value('(sdfs[1])', 'NVARCHAR(500)')sdfs,
    product.value('(addresses[1])', 'NVARCHAR(50)')addresses,
    product.value('(otherIDs[1])', 'NVARCHAR(50)')otherIDs

    FROM @InputXML.nodes('gwl/entities/entity') AS X(product)

You have a lot of different children here...你在这里有很多不同的孩子......

Just to show the principles:只是为了说明原则:

    <entity id="1" version="123456789">
        <alias category="STRONG" type="Alias">USCJSC</alias>
        <alias category="WEAK" type="Alias">''OSKOAO''</alias>
        <program type="21">prog</program>
        <sdf name="OriginalID">9876</sdf>
          <address1>1141, SYA-KAYA STR.</address1>
          <address1>90, MARATA UL.</address1>

-The query will fetch some values from several places. - 查询将从多个地方获取一些值。
--It should be easy to get the rest yourself... ——剩下的自己搞定应该很容易吧……

SELECT @xml.value('(/gwl/version/text())[1]','bigint') AS [version]
      ,A.ent.value('(name/text())[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS [Entity_Name]
      ,A.ent.value('(listId/text())[1]','int') AS Entity_ListId
      --more columns taken from A.ent
      ,B.als.value('@category','nvarchar(max)') AS Alias_Category
      ,B.als.value('text()[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS Alias_Content
      --similar for programs and sdfs
      ,E.addr.value('(address1/text())[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS Address_Address1
      ,E.addr.value('(country/text())[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS Address_Country
      --and so on
FROM @xml.nodes('/gwl/entities/entity') A(ent)
OUTER APPLY A.ent.nodes('aliases/alias') B(als)
OUTER APPLY A.ent.nodes('programs/program') C(prg)
OUTER APPLY A.ent.nodes('sdfs/sdf') D(sdfs)
OUTER APPLY A.ent.nodes('addresses/address') E(addr)
OUTER APPLY A.ent.nodes('otherIds/childId') F(ids);

The idea in short:简而言之这个想法:

  • We read non-repeating values (eg version ) from the xml variable directly我们直接从 xml 变量中读取非重复值(例如version
  • We use .nodes() to return repeating elements as derived sets.我们使用.nodes()将重复元素作为派生集返回。
  • We can use a cascade of .nodes() to dive deeper into repeating child elements by using a relativ Xpath (no / at the beginning).我们可以使用.nodes()级联通过使用相对 Xpath (在开头没有/ .nodes()来更深入地研究重复的子元素。

You have two approaches:你有两种方法:

  1. Read the XML like above into a staging table (simply by adding INTO #tmpTable before FROM ) and proceed from there (will need one SELECT ... GROUP BY for each type of child ).将上面的 XML 读入一个临时表(只需在FROM之前添加INTO #tmpTable )并从那里继续(对于每种类型的 child都需要一个SELECT ... GROUP BY )。
  2. Create one SELECT per type of child , using only one of the APPLY lines and shift the data into specific child tables.为每种类型的 child创建一个 SELECT,仅使用其中一个APPLY行并将数据转移到特定的子表中。

I would tend to the first one.我倾向于第一个。
This allows to do some cleaning, generate IDs, check for business rules, before you shift this into the target tables.这允许在将其转移到目标表之前进行一些清理、生成 ID、检查业务规则。

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