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[英]Issues with POSTGIS ST_DISTANCE function and results

Hi I have a bit of issues with postgis and calculations.嗨,我对 postgis 和计算有一些问题。

Using ST_DISTANCE causes a bit of confusion:使用 ST_DISTANCE 会引起一些混乱:

SELECT st_distance(
    ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(16.0420,45.8250), 4326),
    ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(16.1675,45.8344), 4326));

returns 0.12585153952177025 as an result.结果返回 0.12585153952177025。

The result seems a bit odd as on a simple visible checking those points are quite far away and result should be in meters.结果似乎有点奇怪,因为在简单的可见检查中,这些点距离很远,结果应该以米为单位。

For instance :例如 :

select st_distance(
  'POINT(15.651955 73.712769 )'::geography,
  'POINT(14.806993 74.131451 )'::geography) AS d;

returns 53536.74349675 which seems to work properly.返回 53536.74349675 似乎工作正常。

Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?你能告诉我我做错了什么吗?

st_distance returns a distance in the unit of the used coordinate system. st_distance以所用坐标系的单位返回距离。 For 4326, the unit is degree , so the distance is in degrees (which is meaningless).对于 4326,单位是degree ,因此距离以度为单位(这是没有意义的)。

As you have done, you can cast to geography first, which returns a result in meters.正如您所做的那样,您可以先转换为 geography,它会以米为单位返回结果。 You can also use ST_DistanceSpheroid to get a distance in meters, or you can use a suitable coordinate system whose unit is in meters.您还可以使用ST_DistanceSpheroid获取以米为单位的距离,或者您可以使用以米为单位的合适坐标系。

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