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index.js 命令

[英]Command for index.js

How would i create a help command that displays all the commands when people do !help as i have no idea how to do a help command in the index.js file or would it be easir to put the help would be mutch apreated.我将如何创建一个帮助命令来显示人们执行时的所有命令!help 因为我不知道如何在 index.js 文件中执行帮助命令,或者将帮助放在 mutch apreated 是否更容易。 its using the dicord econmy code but it dosnt have a help command to display all the commands它使用 dicord 经济代码,但它没有帮助命令来显示所有命令

const eco = require("discord-economy");

//Create the bot client
const client = new Discord.Client();

//Set the prefix and token of the bot.
const settings = {
  prefix: '!',
  token: 'token'

//Whenever someone types a message this gets activated.
//(If you use 'await' in your functions make sure you put async here)
client.on('message', async message => {

  //This reads the first part of your message behind your prefix to see which command you want to use.
  var command = message.content.toLowerCase().slice(settings.prefix.length).split(' ')[0];

  //These are the arguments behind the commands.
  var args = message.content.split(' ').slice(1);

  //If the message does not start with your prefix return.
  //If the user that types a message is a bot account return.
  if (!message.content.startsWith(settings.prefix) || message.author.bot) return;

  if (command === 'balance') {

    var output = await eco.FetchBalance(message.author.id)
    message.channel.send(`Hey ${message.author.tag}! You own ${output.balance} coins.`);

  if (command === 'daily') {

    var output = await eco.Daily(message.author.id)
    //output.updated will tell you if the user already claimed his/her daily yes or no.

    if (output.updated) {

      var profile = await eco.AddToBalance(message.author.id, 100)
      message.reply(`You claimed your daily coins successfully! You now own ${profile.newbalance} coins.`);

    } else {
      message.channel.send(`Sorry, you already claimed your daily coins!\nBut no worries, over ${output.timetowait} you can daily again!`)


  if (command === 'resetdaily') {

    var output = await eco.ResetDaily(message.author.id)

    message.reply(output) //It will send 'Daily Reset.'


  if (command === 'leaderboard') {

    //If you use discord-economy guild based you can use the filter() function to only allow the database within your guild
    //(message.author.id + message.guild.id) can be your way to store guild based id's
    //filter: x => x.userid.endsWith(message.guild.id)

    //If you put a mention behind the command it searches for the mentioned user in database and tells the position.
    if (message.mentions.users.first()) {

      var output = await eco.Leaderboard({
        filter: x => x.balance > 50,
        search: message.mentions.users.first().id
      message.channel.send(`The user ${message.mentions.users.first().tag} is number ${output} on my leaderboard!`);

    } else {

        limit: 3, //Only takes top 3 ( Totally Optional )
        filter: x => x.balance > 50 //Only allows people with more than 100 balance ( Totally Optional )
      }).then(async users => { //make sure it is async

        if (users[0]) var firstplace = await client.fetchUser(users[0].userid) //Searches for the user object in discord for first place
        if (users[1]) var secondplace = await client.fetchUser(users[1].userid) //Searches for the user object in discord for second place
        if (users[2]) var thirdplace = await client.fetchUser(users[2].userid) //Searches for the user object in discord for third place

        message.channel.send(`My leaderboard:

1 - ${firstplace && firstplace.tag || 'Nobody Yet'} : ${users[0] && users[0].balance || 'None'}
2 - ${secondplace && secondplace.tag || 'Nobody Yet'} : ${users[1] && users[1].balance || 'None'}
3 - ${thirdplace && thirdplace.tag || 'Nobody Yet'} : ${users[2] && users[2].balance || 'None'}`)



  if (command === 'transfer') {

    var user = message.mentions.users.first()
    var amount = args[1]

    if (!user) return message.reply('Reply the user you want to send money to!')
    if (!amount) return message.reply('Specify the amount you want to pay!')

    var output = await eco.FetchBalance(message.author.id)
    if (output.balance < amount) return message.reply('You have fewer coins than the amount you want to transfer!')

    var transfer = await eco.Transfer(message.author.id, user.id, amount)
    message.reply(`Transfering coins successfully done!\nBalance from ${message.author.tag}: ${transfer.FromUser}\nBalance from ${user.tag}: ${transfer.ToUser}`);

  if (command === 'coinflip') {

    var flip = args[0] //Heads or Tails
    var amount = args[1] //Coins to gamble

    if (!flip || !['heads', 'tails'].includes(flip)) return message.reply('Please specify the flip, either heads or tails!')
    if (!amount) return message.reply('Specify the amount you want to gamble!')

    var output = await eco.FetchBalance(message.author.id)
    if (output.balance < amount) return message.reply('You have fewer coins than the amount you want to gamble!')

    var gamble = await eco.Coinflip(message.author.id, flip, amount).catch(console.error)
    message.reply(`You ${gamble.output}! New balance: ${gamble.newbalance}`)


  if (command === 'dice') {

    var roll = args[0] //Should be a number between 1 and 6
    var amount = args[1] //Coins to gamble

    if (!roll || ![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].includes(parseInt(roll))) return message.reply('Specify the roll, it should be a number between 1-6')
    if (!amount) return message.reply('Specify the amount you want to gamble!')

    var output = eco.FetchBalance(message.author.id)
    if (output.balance < amount) return message.reply('You have fewer coins than the amount you want to gamble!')

    var gamble = await eco.Dice(message.author.id, roll, amount).catch(console.error)
    message.reply(`The dice rolled ${gamble.dice}. So you ${gamble.output}! New balance: ${gamble.newbalance}`)


  if (command == 'delete') { //You want to make this command admin only!

    var user = message.mentions.users.first()
    if (!user) return message.reply('Please specify a user I have to delete in my database!')

    if (!message.guild.me.hasPermission(`ADMINISTRATION`)) return message.reply('You need to be admin to execute this command!')

    var output = await eco.Delete(user.id)
    if (output.deleted == true) return message.reply('Successfully deleted the user out of the database!')

    message.reply('Error: Could not find the user in database.')


  if (command === 'work') { //I made 2 examples for this command! Both versions will work!

    var output = await eco.Work(message.author.id)
    //50% chance to fail and earn nothing. You earn between 1-100 coins. And you get one out of 20 random jobs.
    if (output.earned == 0) return message.reply('Awh, you did not do your job well so you earned nothing!')
You worked as a \` ${output.job} \` and earned :money_with_wings: ${output.earned}
You now own :money_with_wings: ${output.balance}`)

    var output = await eco.Work(message.author.id, {
      failurerate: 10,
      money: Math.floor(Math.random() * 500),
      jobs: ['cashier', 'shopkeeper']
    //10% chance to fail and earn nothing. You earn between 1-500 coins. And you get one of those 3 random jobs.
    if (output.earned == 0) return message.reply('Awh, you did not do your job well so you earned nothing!')

You worked as a \` ${output.job} \` and earned :money_with_wings: ${output.earned}
You now own :money_with_wings: ${output.balance}`)


  if (command === 'slots') {

    var amount = args[0] //Coins to gamble

    if (!amount) return message.reply('Specify the amount you want to gamble!')

    var output = await eco.FetchBalance(message.author.id)
    if (output.balance < amount) return message.reply('You have fewer coins than the amount you want to gamble!')

    var gamble = await eco.Slots(message.author.id, amount, {
      width: 3,
      height: 1
    message.channel.send(gamble.grid)//Grid checks for a 100% match vertical or horizontal.
    message.reply(`You ${gamble.output}! New balance: ${gamble.newbalance}`)



//Your secret token to log the bot in. (never show this to anyone!)
client.login(settings.token) ```

The easiest way to do it would be to add something like this最简单的方法是添加这样的东西

if (command === 'help') {
  message.reply('here are my commands: commamd1 commamd2')

however, you could use an embed to make it look nicer, see here fore some info about them但是,您可以使用嵌入使其看起来更好,请参阅此处了解有关它们的一些信息

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