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[英]Dynamic Column Alias Creation & Joining

I'm trying to query some data in snowflake and save myself a bunch of hard-coding我正在尝试在雪花中查询一些数据并为自己节省一堆硬编码

My data rows (let's call this subquery A ) look something like this我的数据行(我们称之为子查询A )看起来像这样

| my_index  | score | some_enum |
| abc.      | 100.  | x.        |
| abc.      | 50.   | x.        |
| abc.      | 50.   | y.        |
| abc.      | 60.   | y.        |
| def.      | 90.   | z.        |

I want to group by my_index and test_name , compute average scores, and then join all of this data back together with dynamic column names based on some_enum , so it would look something like我想按my_indextest_name ,计算平均分数,然后将所有这些数据与基于some_enum动态列名连接在一起,所以它看起来像

| my_index  | avg_score_x | avg_score_y | avg_score_z | avg_score |
| abc.      | 75.         | 55.         | 0/NaN/-1.   | 65.       |
| def.      | 0/NaN/-1.   | 0/NaN/-1.   | 90.         | 90.       |

Does anybody have a clean way of dynamically creating these column names and joining this data?有没有人有一种干净的方法来动态创建这些列名并加入这些数据?

You can do conditional aggregation:您可以进行条件聚合:

    avg(case when some_enum = 'x' then score end) avg_score_x,
    avg(case when some_enum = 'y' then score end) avg_score_y,
    avg(case when some_enum = 'z' then score end) avg_score_z,
    avg(score) avg_score
from a
group by myindex
order by myindex

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