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此 HQL 查询不适用于元素或成员,但本机查询可以

[英]This HQL Query doesn't work with elements nor member of, but native query is ok

I have a problem running this HQL query:我在运行此 HQL 查询时遇到问题:

@Query("select m from Mesa m where not exists (" +
      " from ValesMaster v " +
      " where v.cobrado = false " +
      " and v.id.fecha = :fecha " +
      " and m.id in elements(v.mesas)) " )
List<Mesa> getAvailableTables(@Param("fecha") Date fecha);

When I use this native query everything is OK:当我使用这个本机查询时,一切正常:

@Query(value = "SELECT m.* from mesas m where not exists (" +
      "SELECT DISTINCT unnest(mesas) AS umesas FROM vales_master vm " +
      "WHERE cobrado = false AND fecha = :fecha and m.id = any(vm.mesas))", nativeQuery = true)
   List<Mesa> getAvailableTables(@Param("fecha") Date fecha);

But I wanto to use HQL.但我想使用 HQL。 These are my entities Mesa:这些是我的实体 Mesa:

@Table(name = "mesas")
public class Mesa implements Serializable {
   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

   @Column(unique = true, nullable = false)
   private Integer id;

   @Column(nullable = false)
   private Boolean activo;

   @Column(length = 16)
   private String nombre;

   @Column(nullable = false)
   private Boolean room;

   private Estacion estacion;

   public Mesa() {

   public Integer getId() {
      return this.id;

   public void setId(Integer id) {
      this.id = id;

   public Boolean getActivo() {
      return this.activo;

   public void setActivo(Boolean activo) {
      this.activo = activo;

   public String getNombre() {
      return this.nombre;

   public void setNombre(String nombre) {
      this.nombre = nombre;

   public Boolean getRoom() {
      return this.room;

   public void setRoom(Boolean room) {
      this.room = room;

   public Estacion getEstacion() {
      return estacion;

   public void setEstacion(Estacion estacion) {
      this.estacion = estacion;

and ValesMaster:和 ValesMaster:

        name = "string-array",
        typeClass = StringArrayType.class
        name = "int-array",
        typeClass = IntArrayType.class
@Table(name = "vales_master")
public class ValesMaster implements Serializable {
   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

   private ValesMasterPK id;

   @Column(length = 128)
   private String cliente;

   @Column(nullable = false)
   private Boolean closed;

   @Column(nullable = false)
   private Boolean cobrado;

   @Column(name = "cod_vip_clients", length = 16)
   private String codVipClients;

   private Integer comensales;

   @Column(nullable = false, precision = 131089)
   private BigDecimal descuento;

   @Column(name = "descuento_porciento", nullable = false, precision = 131089)
   private BigDecimal descuentoPorciento;

   private Integer disco;

   private Integer foreigners;

   @Column(name = "id_cajero")
   private Integer idCajero;

   @Column(name = "id_dependiente")
   private Integer idDependiente;

   @Column(name = "id_payment")
   private Integer idPayment;

   @Column(nullable = false, precision = 131089)
   private BigDecimal impuestos;

   @Column(name = "impuestos_porciento", nullable = false, precision = 131089)
   private BigDecimal impuestosPorciento;

   @Column(name = "is_discount_percent", nullable = false)
   private Boolean isDiscountPercent;

   @Column(name = "is_printed", nullable = false)
   private Boolean isPrinted;

   @Type(type = "int-array")
   private int[] mesas;


Any idea why this HQL Query give a "java.lang.NullPointerException" at build stage?知道为什么这个 HQL 查询会在构建阶段给出“java.lang.NullPointerException”吗? The problem is with this section:问题出在这一节:

" and m.id in elements(v.mesas) ) "

And I think maybe is because int-array type definition, but I really want to work with my HQL Query.我认为可能是因为 int-array 类型定义,但我真的很想使用我的 HQL 查询。 Any idea?任何的想法? member of doesn't work neither.成员也不起作用。 BTW excuse my poor english.顺便说一句,请原谅我糟糕的英语。 Is not my native language.不是我的母语。

Thanks in advance,提前致谢,


You are missing to end your @Query and your subquery.您缺少结束 @Query 和子查询。 Try this and lets see what will happen next.试试这个,让我们看看接下来会发生什么。

@Query("select m from Mesa m where not exists (" +
      " from ValesMaster v " +
      " where v.cobrado = false " +
      " and v.id.fecha = :fecha " +
      " and m.id in elements(v.mesas) )")
List<Mesa> getAvailableTables(@Param("fecha") Date fecha);


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