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AndroidTest 的 Kodein 覆盖绑定

[英]Kodein override binding for AndroidTest

I want to override a Kodein binding by a mock before testing my class.在测试我的课程之前,我想通过模拟覆盖 Kodein 绑定。

There is my Kodein init:有我的 Kodein init:

val kodein = Kodein {
    bind<MyRepository>() with provider { MyRepository() }

Then my class to test:然后我的班级来测试:

class MyClass {
    private val mMyRepository: MyRepository by kodein.instance()

    suspend fun sendData() = mMyRepository.sendData()

And my test class:还有我的测试课:

class MyClassTest {

    lateinit var mMyRepositoryMock: MyRepository

    val mMyClass = MyClass()

    fun setUp() {
        MockKAnnotations.init(this, relaxUnitFun = true)

    fun testSendData() {
        coEvery { mMyRepositoryMock.sendData() } returns Unit

        runBlocking {
                .collect {

I want to override mMyRepository value in MyClass during my test by mMyRepositoryMock .我想在测试期间通过mMyRepositoryMock覆盖MyClass中的mMyRepository值。

Can somebody help me doing it?有人可以帮我做吗?

This is precisely why we do not recommend using a global Kodein instance.这正是我们建议使用全局 Kodein 实例的原因。

The best way to ensure a class testability is to remove its context dependency.确保类可测试性的最佳方法是删除其上下文相关性。

Consider the following class:考虑以下类:

class MyClass(override val kodein: Kodein) {
    private val mMyRepository: MyRepository by kodein.instance()

    suspend fun sendData() = mMyRepository.sendData()

Now the kodein it uses is passed as parameter, and can therefore be properly configured for tests:现在它使用的kodein作为参数传递,因此可以为测试正确配置:

class MyClassTest {

    lateinit var mMyRepositoryMock: MyRepository

    val kodein by Kodein.lazy {
        bind<MyRepository>() with provider { mMyRepositoryMock }

    val mMyClass by lazy { MyClass(kodein) }

    fun setUp() {
        MockKAnnotations.init(this, relaxUnitFun = true)

    fun testSendData() {
        coEvery { mMyRepositoryMock.sendData() } returns Unit

        runBlocking {
                .collect {

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