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[英]React, delay render and hooks

I'm learning react and I have weird situation, it's simple in theory but I don't know how to solve it.我正在学习反应,我遇到了奇怪的情况,理论上很简单,但我不知道如何解决。 At first I'm using props.children and I want to render some part of the code when I get the response.起初我使用props.children并且我想在收到响应时呈现代码的某些部分。 I'm kind of solve it in a strange way but I still have errors.我有点以一种奇怪的方式解决它,但我仍然有错误。 So have a look:所以看看:

function AddCards(axiosResponse) {

  const [cardsCode, setCardsCode] = React.useState(null);

  const handleGetCards = (newCode) => {

  var firstText = null;
  var cards = axiosResponse;
  if (cards[0]) {
    firstText = [];
    firstText.push( <div>

  return (

function makeRequest() {


ReactDOM.render(<AddCards />, document.querySelector('#root'));

The thing I wanted to do is to get the response from axiosCall() which returns an array of dicts and use it in the AddCards function.我想要做的是从axiosCall()获取响应,它返回一个axiosCall()数组并在AddCards函数中使用它。 I had a lot of errors and to avoid it I used function makeRequest which calls axiosCall which calls AddCards as a callback (maybe someone knows better solution because that one is horrible I think).我有很多的错误,避免它,我使用的功能makeRequest它调用axiosCall它调用AddCards作为回调(也许有人知道更好的解决办法,因为这是一个可怕的,我认为)。 But ok, now I'm trying to make it work, I created state so react should re-render when it changed and I made it null by default.但是好的,现在我正在尝试使其工作,我创建了状态,因此当它发生变化时应该重新渲染并且我默认将其设为空。 And if (cards[0]) checks if response came and it should change the state. if (cards[0])检查响应是否到来,它应该改变状态。 But I have an error Unhandled Rejection (Error): Invalid hook call .但是我有一个错误Unhandled Rejection (Error): Invalid hook call What should I do to solve it?我应该怎么做才能解决它?

Either you pass the request response as a prop to your component:您要么将请求响应作为prop传递给您的组件:

function AddCards(props) {
  const response = props.response;
  // do stuff with data here

function makeRequest() {
  // some further logic here

makeRequest().then((response) => {
  ReactDOM.render(<AddCards response={response}/>, document.querySelector('#root'));

Or you use the useEffect hook:或者你使用useEffect钩子:

import React, { useEffect } from 'react';

function AddCards() {
  const [cardsCode, setCardsCode] = React.useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    makeRequest().then((response) => {
      // extract data from response based on your need
  }, []);

  // access cardsCode in your function

makeRequest().then((response) => {
  ReactDOM.render(<AddCards/>, document.querySelector('#root'));

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