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[英]java binary to decimal converter

This is one of my first Java programs and I am very confused why it doesn't work.这是我的第一个 Java 程序之一,我很困惑为什么它不起作用。 Help?帮助?

In addition, the else statement prints despite 'input' being given a correct value.此外,尽管 'input' 被赋予了正确的值,else 语句仍会打印。 Is there a structure for conditional statements that I'm missing?是否有我缺少的条件语句结构?

package beginning;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.lang.Math;


public class BinaryDecimalConverter {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.println("Number Base To Convert: 1) Binary 2) Decimal ::");
        String binOrDec = sc.next();
        System.out.println("Enter Number ::");
        long number = sc.nextInt();
        double result = 0;

        if ((binOrDec.equals("1")) || (binOrDec.equals("Binary"))) {
            char[] bin = ("" + number).toCharArray(); // conversion must be String >> char[]
            int index = bin.length - 1;
            double aggregate = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < bin.length; i++) {
                aggregate = ((Math.pow(2, i)) * (bin[index])); // when using Math.pow(a, b) - a must be 'double' data type
                index = index - 1;
                result = result + aggregate;
        if (binOrDec.equals("2") || binOrDec.equals("Decimal")) {
            // decimal-binary converter, unfinished.
        else {
            System.out.println("Invalid Input");

        System.out.println("" + number + " >> " + result);



your code says: if binOrDec is 2 or Decimal , do nothing, else, print invalid input .你的代码说:如果binOrDec2Decimal ,什么都不做,否则,打印invalid input Computers do what you tell em to.计算机做你告诉他们做的事情。 I think you probably want an else in front of that line to checks for 2/Decimal.我认为您可能希望在该行前面有一个else来检查 2/Decimal。

'doesn't work' is not a great start. “不起作用”不是一个好的开始。 Help us help you:帮助我们帮助您:

  • If it does not compile, tell us the error the compiler gives you and make sure the line numbers match up or you otherwise make it possible for us to know where to look.如果它不编译,告诉我们编译器给你的错误,并确保行号匹配,否则你可以让我们知道在哪里查找。
  • If it does compile, but you get an error when you run it, supply the error, as well as any input you provided that resulted in the error.如果它确实可以编译,但在运行时出现错误,请提供错误以及您提供的导致错误的任何输入。
  • If it does compile, and run, and you get output, but it is not the output you expected, explain what you typed in to get it, what you did expect, and why.如果它确实编译并运行,并且您得到输出,但它不是您期望的输出,请解释您输入什么来获取它,您期望什么,以及为什么。

Your bin array is of type char[] .您的bin数组的类型为char[] If I supply the binary number 1010 for example, it contains 4 characters: 1, 0, 1, and 0. That's characters .例如,如果我提供二进制数1010 ,它包含 4 个字符:1、0、1 和 0。那就是characters ascii characters. ascii 字符。 The ascii character 1 has a large numeric value (not 1 ): ascii 字符1具有大数值(不是1 ):

char c = '1';
System.out.println(1 * c);

The above prints.... 49 .以上打印.... 49

So: aggregate = ((Math.pow(2, i)) * (bin[index]));所以: aggregate = ((Math.pow(2, i)) * (bin[index])); is multiplying by 48 or 49 depending on whether that character is a 1 or a 0. I think you may be looking for if (bin[index] == '1') aggregate = Math.pow(2, i);乘以4849具体取决于该字符是 1 还是 0。我想您可能正在寻找if (bin[index] == '1') aggregate = Math.pow(2, i); . .

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