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Solidity 与 Rinkeby 测试网络 | 未捕获的错误:无效地址

[英]Solidity w/ Rinkeby Test Network | Uncaught Error: invalid address

I'm taking an intro to Blockchain class and am trying to deploy my project onto a web hosting site.我正在介绍区块链课程,并试图将我的项目部署到网络托管站点上。 When I execute my program locally, it works fine and metamask is able to process transactions properly.当我在本地执行我的程序时,它工作正常并且 metamask 能够正确处理事务。 Upon putting my project up on the webhost, I get error:将我的项目放在虚拟主机上后,出现错误:

Uncaught Error: invalid address未捕获的错误:无效地址

What can I do to fix this?我能做些什么来解决这个问题? Here is my JS: (Note: the init and metamask stuff was all written by my professor)这是我的 JS:(注意:init 和 metamask 的东西都是我的教授写的)

function init () {
  let button1 = document.querySelector ("#button1");
  button1.addEventListener ("click", buttonPress);
  let button2 = document.querySelector ("#button2");
  button2.addEventListener ("click", cashout);

  // load Demo1.abi.json obtained from the Compiler tab of Remix
  // (click the ABI button and save the clipboard contents to the file)
  fetch ("./countdown.abi.json")
    .then (function (response) {
      return response.json ();
    .then (function (abi) {
      window.abi = abi;
function getInstance () {
  let contractAddress = "hiddenContractAddress";
  if (contractAddress === "") {
    console.err ("no contract address set");
  let factory = web3.eth.contract (window.abi);
  let instance = factory.at (contractAddress);
  return instance;

function buttonPress(evt) {
  let instance = getInstance ();
  let sender = web3.eth.accounts[0];
  instance.buttonClick ({
      from : sender,
      value : 100000000000000000,
      gas : 200000
    function (error, result) {
      if (!error) {
        let currentwinner = document.querySelector ("#currentwinner");
        if (sender == currentwinner.value){
          window.alert("Unable to process transaction: You are already winning!");
          window.alert("Your button press has been processed!");
      } else {
        console.error (`get error: ${error}`);


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