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[英]PHP to count words from a txt file

i want to count the number of words in a text file.我想计算文本文件中的单词数。 below is my code i have tried.下面是我尝试过的代码。 The php code works fine but it is also counting the white spaces. php 代码工作正常,但它也在计算空格。 what should i add in order for the code to not count the white-spaces.我应该添加什么以使代码不计算空格。 My php code:我的php代码:

$count = 0;  

//Opens a file in read mode  
$file = fopen("trial.txt", "r");  

//Gets each line till end of file is reached  
while (($line = fgets($file)) !== false) {  
    //Splits each line into words  
    $words = explode(" ", $line);  
    //Counts each word  
    $count = $count + count($words);  

print("Number of words : " . $count);  

No need to reinvent the wheel.无需重新发明轮子。 PHP has a built in function for counting words in a string: str_word_count() . PHP 有一个用于计算字符串中单词的内置函数: str_word_count()

Using it in combination with file_get_contents() to get the file contents, you can make the code way smaller.将它与file_get_contents()结合使用来获取文件内容,可以使代码更小。

This should do what you want:这应该做你想做的:

$wordCount = str_word_count(file_get_contents('trial.txt'));

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