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Flutter 未在 TextField 小部件上显示 BLoC 流值

[英]Flutter not showing BLoC stream value on TextField widget

I am trying to make a screen where the user can add a person's birthday in one moment, but in another moment the same screen should load the data from Firebase and display in the TextFields the value loaded.我正在尝试制作一个屏幕,用户可以在某个时刻添加一个人的生日,但在另一个时刻,同一屏幕应该从 Firebase 加载数据并在TextFields显示加载的值。 I am using BLoC with stream to perform this.我正在使用带有流的BLoC来执行此操作。 I can load the data from Firebase correctly and pass it to the screen with StreamBuilders in each TextField , but the values are not showing, even though the streams contains the correct value.我可以从 Firebase 正确加载数据,并在每个TextField使用StreamBuilders将其传递到屏幕,但即使流包含正确的值,也没有显示值。 In the same page I use some DropdownButtons for selectable data and they receive and show the value just fine.在同一页面中,我将一些DropdownButtons用于可选数据,它们接收并显示值就好了。 I'm not sure what am I doing wrong.我不确定我做错了什么。

This is the code for each TextField :这是每个TextField的代码:

class InputField extends StatelessWidget {

  final IconData icon;
  final String hint;
  final bool obscure;
  final TextInputType type;
  final Stream<String> stream;
  final Function(String) onChanged;

  InputField({this.icon, this.hint, this.obscure, this.type, this.stream, this.onChanged});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return StreamBuilder<String>(
      stream: stream,
      builder: (context, snapshot) {
        return TextField(
          onChanged: onChanged,
          keyboardType: type != null ? type : null,
          decoration: InputDecoration(
            icon: icon == null ? null : Icon(icon, color: Colors.white,),
            hintText: hint,
            hintStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
            focusedBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
              borderSide: BorderSide(color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor)
            contentPadding: EdgeInsets.only(
              left: 5,
              right: 30,
              bottom: 30,
              top: 30
            errorText: snapshot.hasError ? snapshot.error : null
          style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
          obscureText: obscure,

This is where I initialize the input types:这是我初始化输入类型的地方:

                  return Padding(
                    padding: EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
                    child: SingleChildScrollView(
                      child: Column(
                        mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
                        children: <Widget>[
                            icon: Icons.person_outline,
                            hint: "Nome do aniversariante",
                            obscure: false,
                            type: TextInputType.text,
                            stream: _birthdayBloc.outName,
                            onChanged: _birthdayBloc.changeName,
                            icon: Icons.phone,
                            hint: "Telefone",
                            obscure: false,
                            type: TextInputType.text,
                            stream: _birthdayBloc.outPhone,
                            onChanged: _birthdayBloc.changePhone,
                            icon: Icons.email,
                            hint: "E-mail",
                            obscure: false,
                            type: TextInputType.text,
                            stream: _birthdayBloc.outEmail,
                            onChanged: _birthdayBloc.changeEmail,
                            isCenter: false,
                            icon: Icons.list,
                            arrowIcon: Icons.keyboard_arrow_down,
                            hint: "Selecione uma categoria",
                            items: _birthdayBloc.getCategoryList(),
                            stream: _birthdayBloc.outCategory,
                            onChanged: _birthdayBloc.changeCategory,
                            isCenter: false,
                            icon: Icons.notifications,
                            arrowIcon: Icons.keyboard_arrow_down,
                            hint: "Selecione a notificação",
                            items: _birthdayBloc.getNotificationList(),
                            stream: _birthdayBloc.outNotification,
                            onChanged: _birthdayBloc.changeNotification,
                            mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
                            crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center,
                            children: <Widget>[
                                flex: 5,
                                child: DropdownWidget(
                                  isCenter: false,
                                  label: "Mês",
                                  icon: Icons.calendar_today,
                                  arrowIcon: Icons.keyboard_arrow_down,
                                  hint: "Selecione o mês",
                                  items: _birthdayBloc.getMonthsList(),
                                  stream: _birthdayBloc.outMonth,
                                  onChanged: _birthdayBloc.changeMonth,
                                flex: 5,
                                child: DropdownWidget(
                                  isCenter: false,
                                  label: "Dia",
                                  arrowIcon: Icons.keyboard_arrow_down,
                                  hint: "Selecione o dia",
                                  items: _birthdayBloc.getDaysList(),
                                  stream: _birthdayBloc.outDay,
                                  onChanged: _birthdayBloc.changeDay,
                              isCenter: false,
                              label: "Ano de nascimento",
                              icon: Icons.perm_contact_calendar,
                              arrowIcon: Icons.keyboard_arrow_down,
                              hint: "Selecione o ano",
                              items: _birthdayBloc.getYearsList(),
                              stream: _birthdayBloc.outYear,
                              onChanged: _birthdayBloc.changeYear,
                              valueController: 'Não sei'

Here is the code that retrieves the data from Firebase when the screen is loaded:这是在加载屏幕时从Firebase检索数据的代码:

  Future<void> _loadSelectedBirthday(personId) async {
    String _userUid = await _getCurrentUserUid();

    await _firestore.collection('birthdays').document(_userUid).collection('birthdays').document(personId).get()
      .then((document) {


      }).catchError((error) {
        print('ERROR => $error');

The output I get from the prints above is:我从上面的打印中得到的输出是:

I/flutter (10907): Person Name
I/flutter (10907): 62999991234
I/flutter (10907): someemail@gmail.com
I/flutter (10907): Familiar
I/flutter (10907): No dia
I/flutter (10907): 3
I/flutter (10907): 25
I/flutter (10907): 1996

And here is the print from the app screen:这是应用程序屏幕上的打印内容:


Looks like you missed TextField initialization with value, that is why field is missing data.看起来您错过了带值的 TextField 初始化,这就是字段缺少数据的原因。 TextField can be initialized via its controller property: TextField 可以通过其控制器属性进行初始化:

          return TextField(
            controller: TextEditingController(text: snapshot.data), // <--
            keyboardType: type != null ? type : null,
            onChanged: onChanged,

Therefore it could be not the best way to init text field this way in StreamBuilder.因此,它可能不是在 StreamBuilder 中以这种方式初始化文本字段的最佳方式。 Depending on your requirements it could be better to:根据您的要求,最好是:

  1. make InputField widget stateful使 InputField 小部件有状态
  2. declare TextEditingController field in InputField's State class在 InputField 的 State 类中声明 TextEditingController 字段
  3. subscribe for stream in State and update controller's value or text properties every time stream emits data.在 State 中订阅流并在每次流发出数据时更新控制器的文本属性。

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