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[英]Verify a private method gets call Unit Test

I have an interface with a method like this:我有一个带有这样方法的接口:

public string GetImageSrc(string input);

The implementation of this is below:其实现如下:

    public string GetImageSrc(string input)
        if (input.ContainsImage())
        return input;

My string extension for ConatinsImage is:我的 ConatinsImage 字符串扩展名是:

    public static bool ContainsImage(this string input)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
            return input.Contains("img");
        return false;

DoWork is a private method in the class. DoWork 是类中的私有方法。 I am writing Unit Tests for the class - I am passing null to the method and doing an assert that null is returned.我正在为该类编写单元测试 - 我将 null 传递给该方法并断言返回 null。 However is there a way I can Assert the invocation of the DoWork private method is None for a null input?但是,有没有一种方法可以断言 DoWork 私有方法的调用对于空输入是 None ?

I recommend creating a new interface IWorker with a DoWork() method, then inject it into the constructor of the class that contains the GetImageSrc() method.我建议使用 DoWork() 方法创建一个新接口 IWorker,然后将其注入包含 GetImageSrc() 方法的类的构造函数中。 In your unit test, you could then inject a mock object of the interface, and verify DoWork() was called or not:在您的单元测试中,您可以注入接口的模拟对象,并验证 DoWork() 是否被调用:

public interface IWorker
    void DoWork();

public class YourClass
    private readonly IWorker _worker;

    public YourClass(IWorker worker)
        _worker = worker;

    public string GetImageSrc(string input)
        if (input.ContainsImage())
        return input;

Test using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting and Moq:使用 Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting 和 Moq 进行测试:

    public void GetImageSrc_GivenNull_ReturnsNull_And_WorkerNotCalled()
        var mockWorker = new Mock<IWorker>();

        var testSubject = new YourClass(mockWorker.Object);
        var response = testSubject.GetImageSrc(null);

        mockWorker.Verify(x => x.DoWork(), Times.Never());

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