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[英]How to get previous destination with navigation component?

I have fragments A, B, C, and X where their navigations are as the following.我有片段 A、B、C 和 X,它们的导航如下。

 A --> X 
 B --> X 
 C --> X

How could I know the information of the last or previous destination in X?我怎么知道X中最后一个或上一个目的地的信息?

The current destination ID can be found by可以通过以下方式找到当前的目的地 ID


I also tried using getBackStackEntry(int destinationId) but it returns only the topmost NavBackStackEntry for a destination id.我也尝试使用getBackStackEntry(int destinationId)但它只返回目标 id 的最顶层 NavBackStackEntry。 In other words, the current destination.换句话说,当前目的地。

Also getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount();还有getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount(); returning 0.返回 0。

Possible solutions are:可能的解决方案是:

  1. Pass data from A, B, and C to X and identify the previous fragment by checking with that data.将数据从 A、B 和 C 传递给 X,并通过检查该数据来识别前一个片段。
  2. Use shared SharedViewModel.使用共享的 SharedViewModel。

Is it possible to get the current destination?是否有可能获得当前目的地?

Java: Navigation.findNavController(v).getPreviousBackStackEntry().getDestination().getId(); Java: Navigation.findNavController(v).getPreviousBackStackEntry().getDestination().getId();

Kotlin: findNavController().previousBackStackEntry?.destination?.id Kotlin: findNavController().previousBackStackEntry?.destination?.id

This should return you the previous destination's id in the 'X' fragment.这应该会在“X”片段中返回上一个目的地的 id。

add destination change listener.添加目标更改侦听器。 and compare id with A,B,C of ids on back key press并在后退键按下时将 id 与 id 的 A、B、C 进行比较

NavController.OnDestinationChangedListener { controller, destination, arguments ->
    // react on change or 
    //you can check destination.id or destination.label and act based on that


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