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[英]How to fix the error observable in angular

I want to remove the current user that login thats why I used filter to.我想删除登录的当前用户,这就是我使用过滤器的原因。 but I get an error which is:但我收到一个错误:

Type 'Subscription' is missing the following properties from type 'Observable[]>': _isScalar, source, operator, lift, and 6 more.类型 'Subscription' 缺少类型 'Observable[]>' 中的以下属性:_isScalar、源、运算符、提升等 6 个。

Here's the code:这是代码:

@Select(UserPageState.get('collection')) users$: Observable<Array<Partial<User>>>;
async ngOnInit() {
  const USER = this.creds.credentials['id'];
  this.users$.subscribe(param => param.filter(x => x.id !== USER));
  await this.store.dispatch(new UserPageList({ start: 1, length: this.pageSize })).toPromise();


      style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"
      [class]="(darkMode$ | async) ? 'ag-theme-balham-dark' : 'ag-theme-balham'"
      [rowData]="users$ | async"

The issue is in below statement, subscribing to an observable returns an Subscription instance and you are again assigning it to observable.问题出在下面的语句中,订阅一个 observable 会返回一个 Subscription 实例,而您又将它分配给了 observable。

this.users$ = this.users$.subscribe(param => param.filter(x => x.id !== USER));

Just don't assign it to observable again, it will resolve the issue.只是不要再次将它分配给 observable,它会解决问题。

this.users$.subscribe(param => param.filter(x => x.id !== USER));

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