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Python 等效于 Java 中的双冒号 (::) 运算符

[英]Python equivalent of the double colon (::) operator in java

What is the double colon(::) operator in java also known as method reference operator in Java equivalent in python ??什么是 Java 中的双冒号 (::) 运算符,也称为 Python 中 Java 中等效的方法引用运算符?


<Class name>::<method name>

Example: "/absfds/dclckd/dsf: { "reference": false, "type": "object", "value": { "functionName": "", "artifactPath": "", "branch": "develop", "buildType": "", "buildCommand": "", "repository": "", "storageClass": "STANDARD_IA", "handler": "package along with class name::method" }, "volatile": true示例: "/absfds/dclckd/dsf: { "reference": false, "type": "object", "value": { "functionName": "", "artifactPath": "", "branch": "develop", "buildType": "", "buildCommand": "", "repository": "", "storageClass": "STANDARD_IA", "handler": "package along with class name::method" }, "volatile": true

The handler is inside a .json file which is accessing java files.处理程序位于访问 java 文件的 .json 文件中。 How to write the handler when it is accessing python files.访问python文件时如何编写处理程序。 Does it remain the same ?它保持不变吗?

This is not a valid JSON file, at least not in this format.这不是有效的 JSON 文件,至少不是这种格式。

To get a reference to a method in Python, you just use its name but without () , eg.要在 Python 中获取对方法的引用,您只需使用其名称但不使用() ,例如。

>>> import os
>>> os.getenv
<function getenv at 0x...>
>>> os.getenv('EDITOR')
>>> f = os.getenv
>>> f('EDITOR')

(ETA: it works the same way if os was a class, or an instance of a class.) (ETA:如果os是一个类或一个类的实例,它的工作方式相同。)

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