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Intellij scalastyle 检查多个项目

[英]Intellij scalastyle check in multiple projects with

I am working in several scala projects with IntelliJ and the same scalastyle_config.xml in the root of the projects.我正在使用 IntelliJ 和项目根目录中的相同 scalastyle_config.xml 处理几个 scala 项目。

Is it possible to have only one config (eg in VCS) and IntelliJ uses it from this location?是否可以只有一个配置(例如在 VCS 中)并且 IntelliJ 从这个位置使用它?

Not yet, you can vote for the corresponding feature request:还没有,您可以投票支持相应的功能请求:

  • SCL-8719 Possibility to use global scalastyle_config.xml SCL-8719可以使用全局 scalastyle_config.xml

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