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[英]How to draw an arrow in SVG?

I need to make it flexible.我需要让它灵活。 It can be some type of lines and arrows on the end of lines.它可以是某种类型的线条和线条末端的箭头。

So, I decided to create two SVG objects: lines and an arrowhead.因此,我决定创建两个 SVG 对象:线条和箭头。

How to draw an arrowhead on the end or beginning of the line?如何在行的末尾或开头绘制箭头?

My line is:我的线路是:

 <svg width="500" height="100"> <line x1="0" y1="80" x2="100" y2="20" stroke="black" /> </svg>

Upu can use defs and path http://jsfiddle.net/jxtfeqag/ upu 可以使用 defs 和路径http://jsfiddle.net/jxtfeqag/

<svg >
      <marker id='head' orient="auto"
        markerWidth='3' markerHeight='4'
        refX='0.1' refY='2'>
        <path d='M0,0 V4 L2,2 Z' fill="black"/>

      fill='none' stroke='black'  
      d='M0,0, 80 100,120'


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