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VSCode 只搜索工作区中打开的文件? [2020]

[英]VSCode only search open files in a workspace ? [2020]

VSCode is suddenly only searching open files within a workspace. VSCode 突然只在工作区中搜索打开的文件。 I'm using Remote ssh and Prettier and I have not changed any settings.我正在使用远程 ssh 和 Prettier,我没有更改任何设置。 Has anyone have any experience with this ?有没有人有这方面的经验? Ctrl+Shift+F does not seems to work. Ctrl+Shift+F 似乎不起作用。

In my case i finded the problem in the .gitignore.就我而言,我在 .gitignore 中发现了问题。 I open the vs code in main directory.我在主目录中打开 vs 代码。 This main directory has a script to download the back-end and the front-end and has too a file .gitignore for ignore the the back-end and the front-end in commits.这个主目录有一个脚本来下载后端和前端,还有一个文件 .gitignore 用于忽略提交中的后端和前端。 Because this the VSCode only search open files in a workspace.因为这 VSCode 只搜索工作区中打开的文件。

More details in https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/wiki/Search-Issues#missing-search-results . https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/wiki/Search-Issues#missing-search-results 中的更多详细信息。


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