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[英]Insert row with formulas below active cell

I use this code to add a row below a selected cell.我使用此代码在所选单元格下方添加一行。 Is there any way to alter it so that it pastes formulas in columns E, G, and H, (for example: =IF(G4="","",G4*73)) but clears the contents of cells in Columns AD, F?有什么方法可以改变它,使它在 E、G 和 H 列中粘贴公式(例如:=IF(G4="","",G4*73))但清除 AD 列中单元格的内容, F?

Sub BlankLine_copy()
lrow = Selection.Row()
Rows(lrow + 1).Select
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
Application.CutCopyMode = True
End Sub

Or maybe just insert the row below, but just copy the formulas down?或者也许只是插入下面的行,但只是将公式复制下来?

Frankly, I would have thought that there is a variation of PasteSpecial that copies formulas but not values, but if there is I didn't find it.坦率地说,我原以为 PasteSpecial 有一个变体,它复制公式而不是值,但如果有,我没有找到它。 The code below does the job, however.但是,下面的代码可以完成这项工作。 Please try it请尝试一下

Sub BlankLine_copy()

    Dim R As Long
    Dim C As Long

    R = Selection.Row
    With Rows(R)
        .Insert Shift:=xlDown
    End With
    Application.CutCopyMode = False

    R = R + 1
    For C = Cells(R, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column To 1 Step -1
        With Cells(R, C)
            If Not .HasFormula Then .ClearContents
        End With
    Next C
    Cells(R, 1).Select
End Sub

May be easier to do without loops like that没有这样的循环可能更容易做到

Sub Test()
Dim r As Long

r = Selection.Row
With Rows(r)
    .Insert Shift:=xlDown
End With
Application.CutCopyMode = False

Rows(r + 1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).ClearContents
End Sub

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