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过滤 Elasticsearch 术语查询

[英]Filter on Elasticsearch terms query

I am looking for the last time any user has logged in.我正在寻找任何用户最后一次登录的时间。

I have two authentication types ( Admin, Client) and am trying to do a query to find the event: Authentication succeeded Where authentication_type: Client我有两种身份验证类型(管理员、客户端),并且正在尝试执行查询以查找事件:身份验证成功其中身份验证类型:客户端

closest I have come is:我最接近的是:

params='{ "query":{"terms":{"event_type":["authentication_succeeded"]}}}'
data=$(curl -XGET "localhost:9200/logstash-*/_search?scroll=10m&size=500&pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d"${params}")

After many variations and alternate query types but I have not been able to successfully append the filter for '{"authentication_type":"Client"}'经过许多变化和替代查询类型,但我无法成功附加过滤器 '{"authentication_type":"Client"}'

You need to define your authentication_type and event_type as keyword and then use the term filters on these fields in your search query.您需要将authentication_typeevent_type定义为关键字,然后在搜索查询中对这些字段使用术语过滤器。

You can read with an example filter with multiple terms in this official ES link .您可以在此官方 ES 链接中阅读带有多个术语的示例过滤器。

Below is a step by step example which uses your data to show the expected search results.下面是一个分步示例,它使用您的数据来显示预期的搜索结果。

Index mapping索引映射

  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "authentication_type": {
        "type": "keyword"
      "event_type" :{
        "type" : "keyword"

Index sample docs索引示例文档

   "authentication_type" : "Client",
   "event_type" : "authentication_succeeded"

   "authentication_type" : "Client",
   "event_type" : "authentication_failed"

   "authentication_type" : "Admin",
   "event_type" : "authentication_succeeded"

   "authentication_type" : "Admin",
   "event_type" : "authentication_failed"

Search query搜索查询

    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "filter": [
                    "term": {
                        "event_type": "authentication_succeeded"
                    "term": {
                        "authentication_type": "Client"

Search Result搜索结果

"hits": [
            "_index": "so_60750542",
            "_type": "_doc",
            "_id": "1",
            "_score": 0.0,
            "_source": {
               "authentication_type": "Client",
               "event_type": "authentication_succeeded"

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