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[英]Regex (All after first match (without the first match))

I am struggling with the easy Regex expression.我正在为简单的正则表达式而苦苦挣扎。 Basically I want everything after the first match of "_" without the "_".基本上我想要没有“_”的“_”的第一场比赛之后的一切。

My current expression is like this: _(.*)我现在的表达是这样的: _(.*)

When I give input: AAA_BBB_CCC当我输入时: AAA_BBB_CCC

The output is: _BBB_CCC输出为: _BBB_CCC

My ideal output would be: BBB_CCC我的理想输出是: BBB_CCC

I am using a snowflake database with their build-in regex function.我正在使用带有内置正则表达式函数的雪花数据库。

Unfortunately, I can not use (?<=_).* as it does not support this format of "?<=".不幸的是,我不能使用(?<=_).*因为它不支持这种“?<=”格式。 Is there some other way how can I modify _(.*) to get the right output?有没有其他方法可以修改_(.*)以获得正确的输出?

Thank you.谢谢你。

You can use a regular expression to achieve this, something like this is JavaScript for example will do the job您可以使用正则表达式来实现这一点,例如 JavaScript 之类的东西就可以完成这项工作

"AAA_BBB_CCC".replace(/[^_]+./, '')

Use REGEXP_REPLACE with Snowflake将 REGEXP_REPLACE 与雪花一起使用


https://docs.snowflake.net/manuals/sql-reference/functions/regexp_replace.html https://docs.snowflake.net/manuals/sql-reference/functions/regexp_replace.html

But you can also find the first index of _ and use substring, available in all languages但是您也可以找到_的第一个索引并使用子字符串,适用于所有语言

let text = "AAA_BBB_CCC"
let index = text.indexOf('_')
if(index !== -1 && index < text.length) {
    let result = text.substring(index+1)

In Snowflake SQL, you may use REGEXP_SUBSTR , its syntax is在 Snowflake SQL 中,您可以使用REGEXP_SUBSTR ,其语法为

REGEXP_SUBSTR( <string> , <pattern> [ , <position> [ , <occurrence> [ , <regex_parameters> [ , <group_num ] ] ] ] ) . REGEXP_SUBSTR( <string> , <pattern> [ , <position> [ , <occurrence> [ , <regex_parameters> [ , <group_num ] ] ] ] )

The function allows you to return captured substrings :该函数允许您返回捕获的子字符串

By default, REGEXP_SUBSTR returns the entire matching part of the subject.默认情况下, REGEXP_SUBSTR返回主题的整个匹配部分。 However, if the e (for “extract”) parameter is specified, REGEXP_SUBSTR returns the the part of the subject that matches the first group in the pattern.但是,如果指定了e (用于“提取”)参数,则REGEXP_SUBSTR返回与模式中的第一组匹配的主题部分。 If e is specified but a group_num is not also specified, then the group_num defaults to 1 (the first group).如果指定了e但未指定group_num ,则group_num默认为 1(第一组)。 If there is no sub-expression in the pattern, REGEXP_SUBSTR behaves as if e was not set.如果模式中没有子表达式,则 REGEXP_SUBSTR 的行为就像没有设置 e 一样。

So, you need to set the regex_parameters to e and - optionally - group_num argument to 1 :因此,您需要将regex_parameters设置为e并将 - 可选 - group_num参数设置为1

Select REGEXP_SUBSTR('AAA_BBB_CCC', '_(.*)', 1, 1, 'e', 1)
Select REGEXP_SUBSTR('AAA_BBB_CCC', '_(.*)', 1, 1, 'e')

Use a capture group:使用捕获组:


Which returns the capture group data containing BBB_CCC它返回包含BBB_CCC的捕获组data

Example: https://regex101.com/r/xZaXKR/1示例: https : //regex101.com/r/xZaXKR/1

To get this actually working you need to use:要使其实际工作,您需要使用:

SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('AAA_BBB_CCC', '_(.*)', 1, 1, 'e', 1);

which gives:这使:

REGEXP_SUBSTR('AAA_BBB_CCC', '_(.*)', 1, 1, 'E', 1)

you need to pass the REGEXP_SUBSTR parameter <regex_parameters> clause of e as that is extract sub-matches.您需要传递eREGEXP_SUBSTR参数<regex_parameters>子句,因为这是extract sub-matches. thus Wiktor's answer is 95% correct.因此,Wiktor 的答案是 95% 正确的。

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